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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Skib you do understand that this car if it finishes will be virtually destroyed ,,,,,,,,right ?? check out 24 hours of lemons as an example .
  2. While waiting for some clutch parts to be order (( correctly )) i changed the car over from 1 pedal to a clutch / brake system. The original brake pedal arm sits far to the left so it has to be taken off and bent straighter, so i got a big ass hammer and gave it a spanking...Then after trial fitting a few times it fits better. Then i salvaged some arms out of a 620 and a 200sx , cuz thats what i have, and trial fitted them and settled with a 200sx arm. I did this before using 71 521 parts and it worked pretty good. This is what original brake arm looked like with stock bends and then after big hammer attack. This is what arms look like now in car....Going to cut off the pad that is on there now after there is pressure is in system and the sit in the final positions and reweld them both on where they feel best to my feet. off center shot........ Last time i used 521 hard lines and they fit almost perfect but this time i used 620 lines and obviously will have to bend my own lines after car is up and going. Started with this mess ended up with this mess ............POSTING WARTS AND ALL................it will get fixed, just not right now. Please dont do this with your brake lines, you can drive without clutch but fuck your brakes up and your dead....
  3. I think you got the motors mixed up, the first engine was a 521 truck engine, so i needed the car engine pan which is the rusted mess in last posting. And dont despair if you scroll up and look at the 2 door it has pans that look very much like yours.but it`s weird the rust is only in the pans,, like it was parked in a field of grass or something. YELLO 620........................ it`s because i honestly cant control myself, cuz i try but somehow that tube of silicone seems to find my hand.,, For reals though,, gaskets I ended up using were blue,, not the ones in picture,, because of no oil pump gasket.
  4. I am literally watching paint dry..

    1. Pumpkn210


      You paid for the hole seet, but you only need the edge!

  5. Thanks Micro it was bought to be parts car but since it was stored in a shed it turned out to be pretty decent start, just never got around to it. And the whole Canby thing ( in this car ) seems like a pipe dream at the moment. .....Drewsdime im not sure what i am doing with frames if i decide to sell you have firsties.. finally got my oil pan and pickup out of car, i should have started a poll ,How much auto trans fluid can leak out of rear of trans before i can get motor all the way out. Little bit .. quite a bit.. Jesus frickin Christ .. Two five gallon buckets of floor dry and a bit of yelling at the dog for peeling out in said floor dry and im back on track.. the previous owner said they were changing head gasket and lost interest but i dont think that would have done it. The oil looked like playdoh. And in the last shots engine and trans are loaded into trailer of misfit toys maybe never to be heard from again. daddys`s little helper. Funny thing is i found trans plug in tool box after i didnt really need it anymore
  6. Hello im kinda new to turbocharging and was wondering if what size blow off valve i would have to run with this new turbo i just purchased ? Im running a stock 1600 so it should be able to handle the extra 16,000 whores power,, what do you guys think..
  7. If it is,, dont waste yer time, all the guy did with it was club race. The car is just a stock car with a roll cage in it,( per the rules ) and the reason it looks good is because it was so new when it was put in that exact spot ...I think it has the 5 cylinder motor so finding fuel injection parts for it would be next to impossible, hell being five lug the wheels aren`t even usable ..I think the guy said ( twenty years ago ) Rod Millen drove the car to my friend......................................... scrap weight is $250. a ton
  8. Is that car over by North Thurston high school? if it is that car has been in that exact spot for like 20 years. Also John Buffum is on facebook maybe ask him with pictures.............
  9. First time seeing your truck and ill have to say after meeting you I would have thought that it was a king cab , cuz man gigantor, you must look like super mario cart driving that around. But at least you can lift truck up with one hand and change tire with the other. and on a more jealous note I wish i could get my engine bay that clean........
  10. I think this picture shows my problem better. I told you that i could turn my hubs on my lathe myself, but if you think i need to do this i may have to send them to you after all. {and pay you of course}......... because like i wrote i can square and parallel but i know i cant angle cut like that.
  11. Sooo i ASS--umed that disc was flat on back lip.. Seeing this may change what i need to get done
  12. So i dont usually paint my engines but thought, what the heck..Then like playing frizbee in the dark , it hit me. Once you paint the block you have to clean everything else extra just to make those parts not look as dirty.. Going to see if i can con one of my sons into scotchbright-ing the valve cover Any hoo heres something to look at. ...There isn`t as much permatex as it looks camera just picked it up real well. no oil pan cuz this was a truck motor and the 510 engine is still in car..but most of engine cleanup is done Gasket kit from NAPA notice anything missing?? Well i didn`t till i had already opened package,,
  13. Ok i should have named this " operation pig fucker " cuz ever since i posted this thread EVERY car in our fleet broke down even our 2005 dodge mini-van with only 28,000 miles ... but i digress. Today was first day nothing was in garage so i started engine re-gasket. I was pretty sure i would run into something but to my relief the inside of engine looked like this.I know i gave it a valve job just couldn`t remember how long truck was driven till motor was pulled. 71 1600 with 1980 w58 head Apparently i had changed head gasket not to long ago ,, man my mind must be going this isn`t a new gasket this is the one i took out. BEFORE AFTER 1600 no match for zee big orange mchammers not sure if I am going to paint it cuz if i do it will guarantee it to smoke or rod knock should be back together tomorrow
  14. Do you think that thing squeaks when it rolls on the floor ??
  15. them wheels are hot as hell man
  16. Up here they issue it as a civil infraction but they give you a non moving violation traffic type ticket, which does two things in their favor. If you ignore ticket and dont deal with it they have grounds to take your license away. And it takes it ( civil ) out of civil court and puts it i traffic ( criminal ) court, where the judgments are usually harsher but their level of proof ( for them ) is much lower because they are going off civil court discovery rules..
  17. We must have bought our security systems at the same place........
  18. If you think you can fight it just remember that the judges are payed by the same company as the code enforcement officer. And they probably know each other. That is why most honest lawyers wont take code enforcement cases like this. Impossible to win And if you dont believe me i will send you pictures of my 7 ft sheet metal fence...
  19. bananahamuck

    510 caps

    Or i could give you this one, then you could sell them as a set. .Because i was thinking of using it as a hat but my head is to pointy to keep in on straight..
  20. bananahamuck

    510 caps

    If we are talking about the same person you sourced those parts from ?? He sold me this 411 with one of these caps on it. wheel in second oic looks to match and shows mounting clips,,,cap seems pretty small ..
  21. So my friend whose not a member was so happy he got new ( as in not rebuilt ) water pumps for his 411 and his 520 pickup that im posting up pictures.They dont have the clip like the originals and they were built in two different country's but he now he feels like it will make it to Canby..Total price for both was $119.55 and that`s with 9% tax ,,as seen on receipt next to his hotdog fingers. And i measured them to original and other than shape they are exactly the same. He doesn`t baby his Datsuns he wears his Datsuns out by driving them and hauling with them P.S. not a member because of no computer... Im telling ya, this guy loves Datsuns
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