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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Wild Bills car ,,and he aint shittin about the dash it is perfect....good guy......Datsunville north
  2. +1 cuz the story makes me feel sad.. i would have chased YOU down to wave at cha bro.
  3. Actually that is frickin insane... But i only came here to see turtles ..
  4. Not sure this is a fail ..By the looks of it it`s a wood gas generator used to power that truck...i could be wrong But i think that dude`s ...Sticking it to " the man "
  5. I meant the older efi in general ,,,my 280zx just happens to be a turbo..Im not saying don`t do it,, ( cuz it would be cool as hell ) just that it`s sometimes a total PITA .. .. :cool:
  6. If it`s old school efi,, that stuff is very tricky to get dialed in to where you would be happy with it in a daily driver.. Retro fitted anyway...Hell just trying to figure out why my 83 280zx turbo was humping stumped even Bleach the magnificent..and that`s saying something.
  7. Changing because it may be offensive to others is even more offensive.. ..Uncle Sam.. lol
  8. The no exhaust blowing your engine up, is an old wives tale, probably spread by some engine builder that didn`t want to warranty their work back in the olden days...and it stuck. ...But ,, to make the engine run at it`s peak you will need a good thought out exhaust..
  9. That`s a really impressive amount of labor than... Im sorry skibber.......For being better looking than you
  10. By the looks of the background of the trunk shots you guys have been bustin your asses down there ... And i don`t mean just you i mean ALL of you .. :thumbup:
  11. ChaiOrangeovara,, I think my wheels are a minilite knock off ,,because they dont say western wheels on them but i got a real good deal on them...My sons 14" wheels have western cast into them ...but i traded pretty heavy to get them for that reason... Stole this L16 engine from JrockLips to just stick right into this cars sister ship ( no build thread ) for Canby road trip.. But my asshole brother was being an asshole. So it was just sitting there and i have a newly trued up 210 head, with a U20 cam, that was going to be put on engine that`s in his car now ,,,before he changed his fucking mind.....Anyways pulled head off then thought ,,, why not just do the front cover while im at it ....So this " drop in " engine is now sporting a new head and complete gasket job... :lol: ..... He does most of the work on his 510 his self but i have all the engine toooools so i gots him as a captive return customer.... Before you bitch about gasket sealer ...i have had to many leak at the top of front cover to never use sealer there...AND the fucking gaskets are blue so camera picks it up as a shit load of sealer BUT it`s not.. Gonna drop this in this weekend.. Figured out the real problem was previous owner had used WAY to many head bolts. and a door handle...WTF! thanks for fixing the colors on this for me you little bastard.
  12. The e-bay store they have hasn`t sold anything since April 2010 ... ...I think if you have e-mailed and called and no answer BEFORE they get your money,,, just think how hard they will be to contact them after you send money order,,,,the only payment besides cash they accept.
  13. Even just , 2 Datsuns is a meet ,, Then the guys around you see that what your doing is kinda cool and they start looking at that old rust bucket in the neighbors yard.....Pretty soon you gots yerself a party.. :) And welcome
  14. But sometimes being on the trailer isn`t that safe either..... Hey you should hold the steering wheel so it goes straight off.. ..Ah fuck that it`ll be fine ..i aint putting my fucking beer down to push the fucking thing off the fucking trailer, don`t be such a fucking chicken as ,,, you chicken ass fucker.. DOH!!
  15. I know this is a stupid question ,,but im to lazy to look it up.. I thought the " dragging the gut " ,,was in Vancouver..?? discuss.
  16. JROCK!! watch out here comes the bus!! Oooooh,,! to late :rofl: :rofl:
  17. I mentioned the blanket as something "you " did
  18. But it`s true..if it`s not prove me wrong.. If you don`t like people you dont know hacking on you personally AS AN ADULT ..Think how this KID felt .. And yeah it` not Jrock..he builds cars in his build threads.
  19. Yeah he`s just a kid and considering that one of the guys ( adult ) trolling the shit outta his build thread ,,has a almost 40 page build thread that consists of ,, Installing a Mexican blanket ,,putting gas in gas tank to cure stalling problem ,, having someone else install coilovers and lower car ,, buy some mis-matched wheels install them ........ Oh , and put some stickers on it.. I think he could have went more crazy then he did. ;)
  20. bananahamuck

    Mt. Rainier 2012

    We could meet up with you off I5 south of Olympia Wa and roll up the freeway to show you the way.... We get off freeway at the military base ,,and meet up with them as they go through a town called Spanaway ,,so you wouldn`t have to go all they way up to the Tacoma Krispy Kreams. .Mt Rainer is a real fun drive, i hope you make it..
  21. bananahamuck

    Mt. Rainier 2012

    Can you tie your original tank down into the bed?? Maybe even use 2x4s or 2x6s to keep it stable ,,,,,,,,,There is a gas station in Elbe and i think there`s one in Ashford ,, just make the ol` man aware you need to stop .. And by ol man im speaking to the OP......... :poke:
  22. bananahamuck

    Mt. Rainier 2012

    Not sure at least 3..maybe .. 4 That`s counting FAT510
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