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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Most of the trucks are ancient fire trucks and such.. Funny thing is the nl isn`t even listed on the lot listings for that day. http://www.luckyoldcar.com/category/2013-truck-auction/page/2/
  2. Don`t forget the brake lines and such run along the passenger side of top of hump.. when you cuts a bitch
  3. Google maps will show you why this is not good idea.. :rofl:
  4. What month do the apricots in George and what may be the worlds largest cantaloupes ripen? Woulds sure love to buy me some off the back of a truck as long as we`re over that way...I realize this isn`t YELP but i was thinking maybe you could plan it around that time of year.. God i just made myself hungry thinking of buying some Soap lake beat-up chevy truck on the side of the road fruit...
  5. You name it,, it becomes needy.
  6. I must say,, the drive from Soap lake to Grand Coulee dam is one of the best in the state of Washington.
  7. Yes your supposed to ,, the person at the gate will help you out ,, hell if you tell them your not spending the night they kinda seem dissapointed.. It`s per campsite not per person and it`s only $20. bucks .
  8. If you are still over here on the weekend of the 8th and 9th of June there is a all Datsun car show in Canby Oregon and you could go from there,, up to the 84 and east till i82 then up to the i90,,, easy peezie. Pics from last year. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/32609-canby-2012-are-we-there-yet/page-74
  9. Says Baron Von Clownstick
  10. Yeah,,,,,,,,, but i'm not sure i want to wade through 8 pages of one wheel.
  11. I haven`t forgot about you man ,,, it`s just been really, really hectic around here lately.. Nobody even commented on the R on the beautiful looking new roof .. :thumbup:
  12. Makes 1 post saying there`s more pics to come, ,,everybody waits ???? profit
  13. Just writting random shit in your profile..

  14. Most just go on Saturday morning . The long distancers and set-up guys are mostly the ones doing Friday sleep over,, but you can do what you want. God damn quote thing.
  15. Hobbes the cat used to have a couple pieces like that and they were already cut off car,, maybe he still has them. http://community.ratsun.net/user/4959-hobbes-the-cat/ .
  16. Oh, he has an RX4, i thought you just brain fart mis-numbered,,,,,,,,,, i'll have to track that little bitch down.
  17. If you are going I94/I90 the hills/mountains you will encounter aren`t really high enough to make much difference.. The mountains west of Missoula are pretty steeep but not really all that high elevation wise.. The Cascade Mts East of Seattle are total cake, your car wont even notice going up them. We traveled to Wyoming from western Washington on more than a few occasions and i have never taken a 100% dependable car so i can tell you if what we drove can easily go up those hills ,,, anything can. If your going through Butte early in the morning go to the conveniace store over by the airport and get yourself a few pasties for the road....It`s like a dry beef stew in a pizza pocket thing ,, although written out it sounds not so good,, it`s a total om nom nom And,,,,,, where in Washington are you going to?
  18. If it is black 93-94 then yes i saw it,, Where do you think Zach A. Lac gets his money to buy those cars? He never seems to sell so it aint from profit from the last one.. And the radiator place in Aberdeen is still there but my brothers said Ole Slim died so not sure if they fix or just replace radiators now..( they were closed when we went there Saturday) It`s on the Wishkah river just inside Aberville ,, 817 East Market st ,,,,,, FYI there is a wicked cheap thrift store just around the corner before you get to the old high school pool,, i got a zip up hoodie and a pull over for just $3.47 total.
  19. Any chance of it ever being done.
  20. There`s a few Hachiroku.net guys that have been going to Dicks on Friday for quite awhile. Although from what i read mostly only in the nicer weather,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,which we might have tonight!! woot woot!
  21. . . Well yeah taken outta context that sounds good but,,,,,,,,,Dude! you live in fricken Idaho,,, the chances of people drooling on your car ,, or you for that matter,, is like 98%
  22. Seems like a rhetorical question but,,,,, have you bled the back brakes?? Again try the just pump fluid without closing bleeder into CLEAR container of fluid at the farthest points and work your way back...Sometimes the fluid just needs to roll out to the extremities washing the air out with it,,, then worry about,,, doing it the " right " way. or not
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