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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Come on guys lets keep this on track remember what this thread is about , marijuana with the hint of seeing breasts .. With that in mind i bring you Tah daaa
  2. Or sexually suggestive like this one ,,, the OP posted?? Or this one condoning the use of illegal narcotics,,, left side writting says " stick your doobie inside,, and fire it up".. :sleep: Your argument is completely and utterly invalid
  3. Yeah iv'e seen those types of kits on the internet.. Same as the mini was probably a kit ,, if someone pulls it off maybe more can get enjoyment from idea no matter how hairbrained it seemed to be at the outset...
  4. I know this is kinda apples and oranges to this arguement but your post made me think of this bad ass sumbitch from last night.. Holy shit birds this thing must be a handful B)
  5. Ah,,,, yeeeeeah aboot that differential: We never got any texts from the guy EVER (even though it`s not a fucking secret that every PM goes directly to that rectangular thing he is always checking ,,, and i mean always.. So we gently left it somewhere by that reststop coming outta Monroe yesterday .. If he drives real slow,,,,,,, he will find it.
  6. We spent 90% of our time outside with the back lot cheap asses. :lol: Was happy the see the Blackdeath666 truck cuz,,,,,,,,,,,, Daaaamn He's our story and we're sticking to it.. This is a shot from atop my wifes grand parents grave see that in the distance ?? As indifferent as my sons acted about having a direct relative buried a stones throw away from the legend,,, someday they will probably be dragging their stupid teenagers over to show it off..
  7. Here is why this probably can't help a guy like that.. If they aren't willing to research before they start ,, how will they ever see a thread like this?
  8. It's like a overhead cammed, rear wheel, smallest engine to biggest, oldest to newest, rainbow.
  9. Yes you guys will. :P Eagle and Jassifras must have been praying Canby day would get there just to be able to get some frickin rest.. :D
  10. Honda beat you to the idea a while ago.. Dude is hauling ass YO
  11. Well since he was un-willing to use the Adamantium knives in his knuckles ,,, i say fuck-um.
  12. The Peterson museum would a great place for a get together .. :cool:
  13. The warthog might be a better push vehicle with that huge ass bulldozer blade hanging off the front of it an all.. For what it's worth i wasn't going to this and told many people that... If you were to ask my son you would see that i have been talking myself into going because i will be trapped here on Sunday watching my twins because my wife wants to roll up to the holiday gift show at the convention center.. The only reason i changed my mind is i read the R-M-C ( with guess appearance by Hugh Jackman) were thinking of going,,,, and i gave the head cheeselog JDong shit ,,in person,, for not being ready to go just a couple days ago.. We are ready to go but we don't want to roll alone again.
  14. The guy should just throw a half ass BRE paint job on it and a roll bar and then it would be totally worth that price,,,, so i've heard.
  15. If we go we will probably scarf at a nearby taco truck or cheap taqueria joint of some kind.. .. We are still waiting to see if the local Ratsun mintruck chapter is going to make the trek north....Or as they are known, the R-M-C of the O-L-Y. ... If they don't go we probably won't either
  16. Yeah you yoyos are right,,, i don't know how i keep forgetting about football. Saturday is better till January.
  17. Since this has veered a bit from topic i will add this,, there is one wrong pic in article BUT the dude has seen the dealership a few times.. I to lazy to take dealership pics at bottom and rack it into photobucket right now. clickity clickity http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2435412/Nissan-fan-Peter-Butler-92-bought-32-cars-garage-FOUR-decades.html :geek:
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