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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Pick n Pull buys out Tumwater yard,, L18 pistons go from i'll make you a deal on them to $24.99 plus 2.99 core each.. I guess you can just crush the darn things then :/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. bananahamuck


      That's a coincidence they keep checking me cuz they always accuse me of smuggling a VW bug under my shirt.

    3. H5WAGON


      I always get my "Door Fee" in free-bee's


    4. tdaaj


      That's ok, you know of my "other" place now. But I don't think she has any L18's.

  2. They should make one that they deliver to your backyard already half torn apart and dented. Then have a distributor that just doesn't stock the parts it didn't come with,,,, like the originals. Options could include whether it is left in a field or under trees for a year before delivery.
  3. I know it's you,,, met you. :rofl: And i will see you again this year at Canby even if we both have to ride a frickin mopeds.
  4. Shenanigans ,, some people do not care for them.
  5. I know alot of you hate this " my little toaster" style but for some reason i really like it.... Alot. Took awhile to find it cuz i thought it was called a Mako 2006 Scion Hako While searching i found a crazy cab-over I know it would have to have an engine in the front to be called a cab-over but I don't care.
  6. This comment was posted on page 11.
  7. Why are you so angry we don't like it ??
  8. All the French guy kept saying was they were building a car for people that didn't care about cars. And that they were listening to gamers because ,,,,,,,,,, well i'm not real sure why.
  9. Yeah that would be more of a keepsake for all of us than just the pleasure of patting you on the back.
  10. Will there be a line or do we all just crowd around?
  11. LO fuckin L i know people that moved from Everette to White Center because the crime wasn't as bad . :rofl: :rofl: Anyway :ninja:
  12. We have a service manual but i don't know how to use scanner.. What section are you tracing ,,ie. underhood, interior ? Do you need it in PDF one of my boys could probably do that later and post it or send it to you. Pics of your car?
  13. 176mph at the Wilmington Mile http://bangshift.com/blog/car-feature-the-176mph-lsr-1970-cadillac-coupe-de-kill-caddy-powered-and-homebuilt.html
  14. Mental note, never go to retirement home with Ztrain
  15. For what it's worth i think you all are a buncha pansie asses.
  16. At the Fred Meyers waiting for Tedster on Sunday.. We have been stalking this car for years but it was always given us der slips... She said everyone asks to buy it and thought that's why i walked up, i told her she should never sell it to anybody,,,, EVER! it made her smile Original owner, maroon teed interior bag of garden soil in back.
  17. Most of the meet took place as Tdaaj, FAT510 and I passed Jason and his lady by the Santa Clause inside the mall but that's about it.. The good part was getting some pavement under the wheels of our rigs. As for oics,,, maybe Jrock could post a few pics of his buddies Hondas and Subarus and that should about do it.
  18. Could we make it Tumwater Fred Meyers over by the car wash ,, so snacks can be had if needed??
  19. a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people Hmmm sounds about correct in this case there Tim.
  20. Looked like he had it sanded down for paint. We waited around and watched the car but never caught the guy,, who is he?? When i say "we" i mean my late model loving freakshow of a son,,,,,,,,, and me and Albert.
  21. I didn't notice it was on Sunday till just now we might be there like the Doug early and bounce to get a better spot on couch... Or sleep in cuz it's cold as fuck in the mornings lately. :sleep:
  22. Wow is an understatement if you could almost get it to run even somewhat ,,at all. :w00t: Also it would be a good idea to pull the push rods out (mushroom things) and make sure they aren't bent .
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