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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Was going to make this CUZ AMERICA the 3rd but i am way to lazy for that.. I'm just glad the youth of America still hasn't lost it's edge for stupid shit ,,to the damn Russians. I saw this on the rolling thing under the news this morning and waited till it came back around and showed the wife,,, she choked on her coffee laughing............ God we were stupid teenagers. :rofl: :rofl: BOISE — A teenager crashed his sport-utility vehicle after a passenger used a lighter to set the hair in his armpit on fire, according to the Ada County Sheriff's Office. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/09/18/teen-prank-crash/15824513/ .
  2. Yes but saying your a Indian and being one isn't really the same fuckin thing........... really. :rofl: :rofl:
  3. For the record as an actual American Indian and most others i know personally ( some even live on get this,,,, reservations) ,,,,, could care less.
  4. Columbine high school gunslingers?
  5. There should be a German soccer team named the smoking Jews then?
  6. I picture the driver of this as that weird area 51 scientist in Independence Day .. Anyone that has seen where this is parked knows the building holds some kinda secrets for sure.
  7. They do this on our road ,,they are all in a long line doing their thing,, which is great,.. BUT then the front one will pop out into traffic and slow down so the rest can go by all tour de France style,, . THAT is infuriating to no end. Other than that i say they should definitely be road taxed ,, even if it was a token amount,, to pay for the bike lanes like we as gas guzzlers are paying for but can't use.
  8. He went about 100 feet or less out his back door, :lol: ,, he lives down the last road on the left, that road with the huge building on it.... you remember the name?? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(Morgan Freeman voice),,,,,,Zihuatanejo,, wait that was a different movie. A animal that big and old probably even the tenderest cuts would be like eating jerky.. But it is a rack and a half.
  9. I haven't used any of my penetrating oils in aerosol can form for quite some time,,, so if they out law those my wife might be upset but me,,,,,,,,,, not so much.
  10. bananahamuck


    What i was and i think Arizona-jones is saying is everybody is welcome here not just those with fat wallets (which i enjoy reading their threads),, and not just us fly to Hawaii by hiding in the wheel well type guys.... Kinda what Wayno was trying to say,, we're all in this together and we should all try to help each other out whenever possible. Look up any of Bigtankers builds he throws fistfulls of cash around and i love it. But by the same token i dig very much Levigideon and his brothers escapades just as much.
  11. Cool ,, buying a house while your young is a good thing. Does it have some kinda garage , carport you could wall in so you can pittle around outside when it's raining?
  12. One of them ,, it was black,, might be one pictured was L18 I haven't been there since the half off weekend.
  13. bananahamuck


    Just to be clear i would spend 3-4 days or more making/ repairing something than spend more than $15. measly dollars on it at the auto parts store or junkyard.. :rofl: :rofl: . And i believe that is my ratsun experience. My input: i believe i read that 240z seats fit,, but they are more increadibly rare than 720 seats.
  14. bananahamuck


    Good luck with that ,, prisoners in maxx dream of having my work schedule.
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