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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. B17 that did fly over at the Planet of the Datsuns meet. FAT510 and his little brother , a buncha years ago. Proof gingers do not like even indirect sunlight..
  2. total investment 10 bucks,, on the promise i would be buried with them.
  3. We are going to make one of these or a BBQ ,, or a cruise with those Datsloco guys. It would be totally worth the effort to hang and chill even if for just a day ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, someday. Completely serious
  4. Tdaaj you know that 5/16 socket and mini breaker bar that mysteriously appeared in your tool box,,,, well i know where it came from. lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fat510


      I don't have your goddamn wrenchsocket hybrid, because nothing of mine breaks

    3. bananahamuck


      i'm going to wake your mom up,, just to slap her in the god damn face.

    4. tdaaj


      Shit my memory is bad. when did this happen?

  5. A quick tip my brothers.. If you're ever stuck behind a grey prius with Washington plates aand a somewhat large Samoan looking lady sporting Lakota hair braids, behind the wheel and decide to pull something like this. Just be reminded ,, the muther fuqer,,,,, well, he just does not take critcism well ,, at all. :rofl:
  6. It's not a rant ,,, if it's the truth.
  7. You cheap under paid , mis-guided fools that think just because your B210 gets almost as good of mileage as a prius ,, so you think they they are just as good a car.. Well if you ever spent any time driving a prius that consistently gets 52 MPG (NOT once in a while --on a good day ) you would see your rickity old smells like gas , ,tiny ,, underpowered ,, 40 mpg pile a tin.. Is way less a vehicle than the goofy greener mobile ever will be ,, even with 150,000 miles on the clock.. The prius is bigger, more comfortable, has every comfort a driver needs ( from the factory) doesn't get blown around in a wind storm, a can comfortably haul 4 large adults ,,and can still drive in fast lane going up ... not just down ,, mountain passes. I don't own a prius.
  8. The cube has some of the most comfortable seats you will ever sit in ,, mmmm so soft.
  9. My dad and oldest brother are both like that,, once my dad came by my house and my brother was under his car ,, neither one said anything for 1/2 hour or more.. Then my dad left.
  10. You definitely need to get an attorney ,, your plastic surgeon needs to be thrown in jail.. :lol:
  11. I was coming out of the dentists office at the Shoalwaters rez today and met-up with the little brother of one of my best friends in high school.. And i remembered clearly why most of my close friends in high school are in the ground.. it's good to lead a boring life.
  12. bananahamuck


    Jesus Christ,, does every thought you have in your head NEED to be a new thread??
  13. Yeah that's true ,, i thought i heard they were going to start showing 49er superbowl wins on the history channel..
  14. So what your saying is Toyota dealership mechanics are not capable of fixing even water pump problems?? Hmmmm
  15. bananahamuck


    Adam-12 a 70s police car patrol show it's their call sign on top of car. Since it was taped in and around the LA area there is a huuuge amount of Datsuns and cool old import cars to be seen. It is kinda funny how expensive VW bugs andf 356 porshes are now ,,when you watch this show the only thing that out numbers 356 Porsches is VW bugs. Early seasons look like they are shot at a studio lot,, but later episodes they are driving all over the dang place.. One season the opening credits are with car turning corner where a 311 roadster is parked ,,one season opening credits, they are pulling out and backup right next to 510 wagon. Don't get me wrong it's not a great show,, but the amount of crazy expensive cars (now) being used as daily drivers ,, will blow your mind. Publicity shot ,, show is in color though.
  16. As some of you have completely over looked ,, this law isn't called , DOT/EPA “25 Year Rule” Car Import Ban It's actual name is ,, H.R. 2628 (100th): Imported Vehicle Safety Compliance Act of 1988 ,, notice the date? Please send your thanks to : Ronald Reagan Presidential foundation and library 40 Presidential Dr, Simi Valley, CA 93065 Me personally ,, i think since we can't track where the money goes when the overseas sellers profit from dumping "foreign" cars on the great United States of America.. How do we know these peddlers of used cars,,, as i like to call them,, aren't a front for terrorism.. And god bless Sean Hannity .
  17. I'm just saying you need to get out your mountain top hermits lair,, and wobble down the road with us. Hell my project for the last couple weeks has been move a 210 wagon about 25 feet,,,,,,, still sitting in the same spot 2 weeks later :lol:
  18. Can't post them directly ,, you have to load them into a sharing site... But if you knew that already , it might not be your computer as my new PC struggles with photobucket these days.
  19. At some point ,,, you know your going to have to finish this project ( unlike the poor little 2002 in carport) and bring it out and drive the country side , or come to a Ratsun meet-up with us asshats,,,,,, right. Yes ,, that is a challenge.
  20. bananahamuck


    Hey dooder man,, I didn't get a screen shot as my camera battery was dead BUT Adam-12 season 6 episode 20 (Sunburn) they talk to a old guy for quite awhile next to a truck painted exactly like yours., pretty sure even got license plate shot. . I'm thinking JESUS!! and run get camera ,!! ,,,,,,, steady myself ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, turn on camera,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, change battery message :crying: ,,,,,,,,,,,,, whaaaa whaaaaa
  21. My wife is the khmar rouge of house plants.
  22. Anybody else getting Invalid URL on videos tonight? Invalid URL The requested URL "/embed/JRftXCiqfQ8?html5=1&fs=1", is invalid. Reference #9.a6440317.1409726857.82eed3b Never mind i deleted history/ cache and it fixed it.
  23. Maybe on Facebook (?) he sells a buncha stuff on there. I don't do facebook so i don't know for sure.
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