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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. We are headed south to Drayno's BBQ so you won't have us to push around.
  2. probably doesn't just fall out, he probably pulls it out .
  3. So Izzo it sounds like the new style of thievery to me man. So check it out , whatcha want to do is fight for your rights so get your body movin' and haul ass over there like Paul Revere and sabotage his shit with a wiffle ball bat.
  4. Trust me that little nose miner watched goofy spider videos for like 4 hours that day.
  5. Probably missed my window of opportunity,, as i'm to old to cause trouble now... and much... much to SOBER. :rofl: :rofl:
  6. The two times the cops were pointing their guns at me, yelling "kneel on the ground with your feet crossed",, never once did i even think,, "Hey imma get up and kick their ass" not even once.
  7. Yep ,, i thought i told you about getting me a old B210 2door,, just collecting parts so if that day ever gets here, I will almost be ready. Tdaaj found it local for a few bucks but he is kinda getting his place somewhat emptied out for a huuuuuge score in the very near future.
  8. Clean one owner. whoopah!!
  9. Mine wasn't a FML thread ,, it belonged in insomniacs,,, BUT,, Jalen started so many FML high school threads back about that time,, that i was making fun of that,, by making a thread. And we had a crazy swinging deal with a guy neither of us knew named Wilson off Hakisharooka.net ( or something like that :lol: ) for some MR2 steering racks i had,, and wanted to let him and everyone else know that everything worked out great. It was for the Lulz,,, :rofl: did you read it?
  10. The only way most of us south enders could ever make a meet is if it was on a weekend. We only make like one north end Datsun funk-shun a year and we already went to two ,,, but there you go. :)
  11. I was going out for a hamburger but there is an old Robin Williams movie come on TV ,, i will probably just hang around and watch that. to soon?
  12. Can you remember what the hood looked like?
  13. Well my thinking(?) ,,,,,,, was this , it is like when your watching one of those 70s variety shows and the guest comes rollin in , in a paisley leasure suit.. The pattern weirds out the cameras and such.. And as the Obama goverment is currently suppressing the knowlege of how to grow chickens that resemble chain link.. It was the obvious next best choice.
  14. The bottom of ad should read. Please note: Current owner is a total dick.
  15. You could make a costume outta super glue, guinea chicken feathers and a stained jock strap and storm the Canadian border .
  16. A good lawyer should be able get under 17 records sealed or if you pay more completely expunged .
  17. i think what he's saying is,, it isn't really the one you wanted ( 240sx ). It may work and fit but it isn't what everybody else is using. That is worded kinda confusing but i think you get what i'm saying. Are the gear ratios different between this truck one and a 91 240sx ,, and which ones ( gear ratio wise) would be better suited for a this ( A10) car?? You never hear of anyone using a truck trans considering they are far more plentiful and i guess i'm wondering,,, why.
  18. My letter " " doesn't wor so i have to use "h" instead.
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