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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. i triple dog dare you. What did you ever do with the head you took off L20b??
  2. I know this is going to sound really, really stupid ,, but i just realized this is the Sunday of Labor day weekend. Holy shit i have to go to the swap meet in Packwood Wa. on that Sunday with my brother in-law. Could this somehow be moved back a week into Sept ,, i understand if you can't. :crying:
  3. Being a ex "high" personality as you describe ,, trust me it is very hard to be happy without it as a crutch.. . But if i had more millions in the bank than anyone of us can even phatom ,, i believe a weekend / months in some exotic local being waited on by nubile scantily clothed women ,, probably isn't as hard as some of us get through life.
  4. If he would have died any other way,,, any other way,,,,,,,, he gave up. i do not respect that. :)
  5. It must really be hard being rich and adored by millions of people. .
  6. Wow, nice driving Parnelli !
  7. Or going north in a 4door just south of hiway 18 on 167 about 10:30-11am last Saturday ... :ninja: Ok i didn't wave,, but i thought about it.
  8. It must hard to find chicks to date that only work at rhyming name establishments?
  9. $129. is pretty cheap for auto paint really . We almost twice that on my sons 85 Celica, we painted in the garage last year. And that was without adding in the cost of primer,, ouch. i hate HPLV guns as imma old lacquer sprayer myself,, that stuff was so much more forgiving in the runs department,,, ,,man o man .
  10. Yes you should get new clutch so you don't have to do job twice. _______________ But having said that ,,, DUDE it is bad form to first keep posting these questions in wrong section ( this is the build section not drivetrain ) and to post the same thing you posted a question for and not update (post) with this question in that thread.. This isn't like Facebook, you don't just post and walk away,, then post again. it is bad forum etiquette,,, and this is about as loose a forum as your going to come across. Hell you didn't even change title. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/63590-78-datsun-b210/ :) For Tristin
  11. No real Washingtonian would stooop so low as to go into a establishment owned by that putz Howard Shultz.
  12. We went about 450 miles on round trip ( after side trips up north) in our run out to Yakama Nation in Wapato Saturday .. Wife hauled all the food and luxuries one needs when going to third world visit.
  13. Gimme a couple days and yeah.
  14. So that sucker was really danglin :rofl: :rofl: What cover do you need if this don't work, L20b ?? Me and the FATone might have one laying around we could send for postage, but i would have to dig a bit as we have stuff piled pretty deeeeep to get a full size truck into garage right now.
  15. YO! i heard you like Raymond, so i put everybody loves Raymond in your picture of everyone loving Raymond.
  16. soak it in royal purple ( or similar harsh cleaner) for a day to clean and use very hot water to clean that stuff off. ,, it might hold. I have a tractor that had a hole in the block and i sealed it with this stuff called Marine Tex been holding since 1991-ish Can you see the spot if it does start to fail?
  17. Well speaking from (or for i guess), the other side of the genocide ,,, there probably wouldn't have been a fast, large scale invasion of the Americas,,,,, without the gun. and commiting mass murders way after the whole "All men are created equal" horseshit. June 25, 1876
  18. As it shouldn't ,, you just adjust your indoor voice volume to compansate as to how many times they blow you off. For me though,, It sometimes helps to just start out at 11 :rofl:
  19. This is my second try at parenting 16 year old,, It's not a matter of listening or even minding,, if they sit there and agree with you as to whether or not the garbage actually needs to be taken out,, yet 45 minutes later the garbage under the sink is still there.
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