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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Yeah i could see that,, there's alot of people that just can't stand cooked mushrooms.
  2. I thought that the sheep video was cutesy myself . almost pleasant to watch and it had a great plot twist that was really thought out. Seriously. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffDPTKn7HiY
  3. Put washer and nut on long skinny screw driver , hold them up and put tip of driver on center of stud, let nut/washer fall onto stud. Hold the screwdriver in place while you spin nut with one finger,, till it catches.
  4. It was still parked in their garage just a few days ago .
  5. To tight of valves could definitely make it run like a total pig like you described.
  6. Great pics !! I really dig the way these wheels have been transformed into a real nice one off look ,,,,, good eye man.
  7. You guys should stream KFOG outta San Fransisco sometime.. It isn't just 70s oldies ( they do play them) but it's some cool buzz type music,, like acoustic sunrise-sunset Sundays. Or 10 at 10 in the morning Trust me i'm a doctor. http://www.kfog.com/ Now back to the regular 70s programming
  8. The correct vernacular used in this thread would be BRO .
  9. I have a W58 peanut on mine,, we put the engine together in the middle to late 90s for a 521,, that is no more, and i refreshed it and stuck it in my 510 a couple years ago,. I personally think it is a great upgrade, and hell, i use the single outlet exhaust,, because it was on it to be cheap. I don't only putter around town we make quite a few tears a month, down the freeway at 70-75 and it does it easily. not tears as in secreting saline from eyes ,, tears as in hauling balls.
  10. the bottom phrase about car of choice is catchy as hell ,, i would keep that one.
  11. I don't find it offensive in any way shape of form, and i'm not scared of much, but i wouldn't wear one saying that. Just as i wouldn't wear one in pink ,, don't harm nobody but i still don't want one. :)
  12. 10:00!! geeeeze what a hard nose , we sometimes have grilled cheeze sandwiches and tomato soup about then.
  13. I only have clutch type cars,, and the older boys don't wake up for another 2 1/2 hours to drive me over there.
  14. I don't think i would ever wear/buy one that says the rising sun is flag of choice ,, everything else on there is cool.. I'm not some America is the only way nut job, but i still wouldn't wear it.
  15. it is just swollen up ,, no color yet, but here is the miserable piece of solenoid not working reliably monkey fart that did this to me. Moral of the story 48 year old dudes should refrain from push starting cars. ,....... I'm old ]
  16. Yeah the last day of lakefair they have about 20 minutes of fireworks starting at 10:00 We watch them at the west side of the main capital buildings.. They shoot them toward that direction and since your up on a cliff ,, they are very near you and just barely over your head. It also makes getting ahead of traffic for us real easy as the freeway entrance is just right there. About going to the doctor,, the little woman is a paralegal for the state, so i have all the medical insurance in the world BUT sitting here being told take some ibuprofin and it will be fine ,, hurts waaay less.
  17. Well i was push starting the F150 at the tranfer station and just as i got ready to hop in something in my calf made a popping sound and it felt as if a tangerine exploded in my calf. It is more of a incredible charlie horse ( no offense to my Vietnamese neighbors) when i walk around. It's only swelling now as it only happened at 4:30 yesterday. We took the youngest to fireworks last night in Olympia and the wife looooves to be late to everything,, so i'm crusing across the capital lawn like Igor.. Just kinda flippering the leg out to keep up.
  18. Has anyone ever popped a calf muscle?? When will i be able to walk around normally ( about) ? If i keep walking around on it ,, it will get better right? Yes i went to the web doctor sites but real world experiance is usually more helpful.
  19. The computer i'm always on is in the dining area 10 feet away from and facing the kitchen.. So every stupid thing that is posted is seen by almost everyone in the house.
  20. I spotted my sons car in the driveway ,,,, quite a few times.
  21. Having spent many,, many months of me and my wife and kids lives vacationing up at Alta lake state park, Pateros area, this is sad to see. But we will go up and spend some money there after they get the fires put out and a little more on their feet for sure. click vimeo to see ful screen
  22. I hear that ,, there's always a buncha thread jackers around here for sure. Pondking your message box can't receive messages and i was wondering if you had a link as to where the baby bibs are being sold? Not joking .
  23. This describes where me and Ted went after closing garage sale yesterday evening. "There are fields, Neo, endless fields, where Datsuns are no longer manufactured...they are grown." ―Morpheus
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