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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. The car next to it was the give away. As nobody parks a Ferrari next to a Porsche.
  2. that is terrible fit ,, that would never fly around these parts (Northwest) I would start off nicely contacting them and make them aware of the problem .. Maybe they would send you another.,, or something
  3. I'm basically posting inflammatory pictures out of my home for the goverment monitoring systems dynamic.
  4. I'm definetly not a "9ers" :sick: ,,,,,,,,,,,, "fan" so to speak. I don't think "9er fans" :sick: should even be treated like humans actually as they are obviously dillusional and somewhat obnoxious most of the time. But you can't really argue about the coaches record as there is quite a few teams that only win 3-4 games all year. and he averages that in loses for the year. ,,,,,, well,,,,,,,,,, till now. :lol: Couldn't get the 18-1 enjoy choke pic to load,, so imma going with this one
  5. they answer to The Man but they are not goverment owned. The DOL i go to won't even add that parks fee on unless you want it,,, not like the one in town that adds it ,,then asks if you want it.
  6. That's just the washed up or never played talking head idiots on sports channels,, getting rid of Harbaugh because the players are stinking up the joint,, would be the stupidest thing that team every did.
  7. I need help pinning down what the hell the first song that is playing in the background,, i figure the older geezers on here could pin it down . I get the higher part,,,,, but i have typed every wording of that phrase into Youtube and i get nothing but 80s love ballads.
  8. That was the end i was referring too,, i think my brother had at least 6 inch shackles,,,,,, at least... and air shocks from hell . :rofl:
  9. The machine shop that built that probably weighs the $100. dollar bills it would cost to recreate that thing,, as counting them would take to long.. Please,, this is like saying i wanna top fuel dragster motor for my 55 ford pickup,,, do you know who sells the oil pans... Oh and i've got a cost limit of $173.64 :rofl: . Pistons that were made just for that engine Custom billet crankshaft made just for that engine
  10. i remember when i was a little kid, my older brother drove a 4door 57 chevy 210 (painted Weyerhaeuser yellow as my dad knew a guy in the paint shop) that had to be jacked up 3-4 feet in the air to fit the Posi-trac 60 series polyesters,,, bro.. That thing used to literally bounce down the hiway .. He and his friends all did it ,, most of them lived . I think like it or hate it it boils down to,, everybody has got their own trip ,, i would rather the kids today learn to drive a crazy ass hoopty ,, than be a what is considered normal and never enjoy being weird .
  11. Those god damn Ross girls talked all fuckin day and night..
  12. See that wasn't so hard now was it,, Mr ppeacock ?? :thumbup: :thumbup: Here's is the link as promised Boogie on down to Datsunviiiiiiillle .. http://www.team-go-on.com/t1200-pour-les-propietaires-de-datsun-160j-sss-pa10
  13. Says the guy that drives an Ford explorer SUV.. :rofl: :rofl:
  14. Sounds like the car guys should threaten to move event to neighboring town , that story while bitching the whole time mentions, 164,206 participants.. Money talks and that would make the businesses get off their high horse and maybe call a spade a spade. They used to give almost every other car going through Shoalwater bay Rez some kinda ticket.. Someone wrote the local newspaper saying they would never go to that casino ever again, because they got one of these abitrary BS tickets,, you see cops now but you don't see people getting tickets at all. Oh and someone should comment at the bottom that, shorter shocks doesn't lower the car.
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