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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Dude,, i hear you, but they could have filmed District 9 at my high school
  2. What i find weird is how the kid would have ever said anything to anybody seriously. those two were no Mrs. Schroders that's for sure Local PTA dads when they read story.
  3. Maybe you should have installed side bump stoppers.
  4. 2 teachers accused of having group sex with student at apartment in Louisiana http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/10/03/2-teachers-accused-having-group-sex-with-student-at-apartment-in-louisiana/ :geek:
  5. Not sure if you ever will read this but,, the windshield at Tumwater pick n pull is cracked pretty bad across and up right in front of driver ,, so i would forget that one. Looked at it today.
  6. Ahh is that what you younger guys are calling touching your wieners now? Good to know, as i like keeping up with the young peoples trends and such.
  7. I hope you don't think i'm trying to take anything away from how nice i think this car is,, believe me we "negotiated" more than a few times to get her ourselves.. But being there at the right time worked out for the bastard,, who got it from the guy. Bill bought it from the old guy for $1000. bucks and cleaned her up a tiny bit. The old guy was pretty into the car but he has something cooler in the garage that has taken all his interest and money so he let that wagon sit. here's a picture of the carb set it had on it when bill bought it. ( this is them on my sons 79 wagon) Almost certain odometer is rolled over,, like i said the OG owner took a whole lotta care of it (well except for paint,, but his heart was in the right place) till the new girl came into his life.
  8. So it is great that after only what?? 2 weeks of University studies?? You have become what i have always hated about working with University grads ,, whining about how others act around you while patting yourself on the back for doing everyday benign tasks. ( a powder nailer really ?? i have seen guys that have never brushed their teeth ,, master the nailsetter gun in minutes.) . and always.. ALWAYS!!! .......... Find someone to blame ,, to take the pressure off you letting everyone around you down,, to hide behind. Good work buddy. :thumbup:
  9. You should text him and say ,, hey i heard you bumped into something today :rofl:
  10. At least the door won't have to be as tall as it is wide. You should think of installing a fan and we could all get inside and try to catch IOUs
  11. I saw Danny and his 620 on Harrison at the light in front of Safeway about 2 a-crotch
  12. I think I saw that costume at party city last night.
  13. You should have someone build a garage on your property and not tell you about it.. I think that is the only way to have a clean organized garage,,, ever. What i did to the 510 was We searched around for the battery and installed it then spread mats on rear seat to load stinky dog in back so i could drive Uberkevin home yesterday.
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