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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. It will work out you'll see ,, happy thoughts and a learning experience to make copies of everything as DOL is like the honey badger,, they just don't give a shit.
  2. Fence? Hey don't temp me as i have been telling Tim i'm coming down/out there for the drive and a good BS for years now.. Maybe we could all go for a spin and what-not this winter. I'm born and raised on the Washington coast so sideways windy rain that hits the side of the house and a loud pounding surf is calming type deal to me.
  3. I saw this for sale on Ebay and thought you could use one on the 720 . Ooops i thought this build was in Project Dildo My bad
  4. bananahamuck


    Why would you send them so far away to get done?
  5. :thumbup: :thumbup: Especially B210s cuz ,, damn ,, a close second/third 710/610s
  6. The answer is yes it is worth it.. If you like adjusting the front drums every 2500 miles ,, more power to ya,, but i go to Mcdonalds not because of their outstanding cuisine but for the convenience of not having to fuck with making my own lunch every day ,, same with my front brakes.
  7. Your a good man Charlie Brown.
  8. I thought you were talking about the wagons in Shelton out in that field.. They must be brothers ,, cuz that guy quit answering his cell phone when my buddy calls ,, just like your guy. :rofl: Although the wagons are waaaaay closer to seeing the "upper room" that that car you found there. You owe it to yourself to keep on top of that gem.
  9. Mr Roarke Smiles everyone ,,, smiles!! It was Tattoo that said "The plane the plane"
  10. SUPER DELUXE MY ASS!!!!! Heater fan broke ,, wipers stopped working and it sounds like a wheel is about to fall off.. Ok it was the typical Datsun road trip ,,,,,,,,,, but still,, wtf.
  11. Know what's crazy?? I think i have the sisters to those beauties
  12. Find a place that sells used grocery store shelving, it is not as wide the 4' industrial shelves but pretty dang strong and highly adaptable. I love mine as for what i think about letting stuff go,, i'm afraid i wouldn't be much help there.
  13. It's down by Honda Tech ,, over by can't use the search function Boulevard.
  14. Where in washington are you it helps us help you to include that info.. There is a 210 at Tumwater pick n pull right now. i can't remember what the windshield looked like but it did have one. :D http://row52.com/Vehicle/Index/WHLB310081017
  15. I would take the galaxie behind it myself,, probably not fast by todays standards but i bet that big ol side oiler 427 would make you smile everytime you let out the clutch on that barge.
  16. I like to "feel" safe. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QC-R3YUy9Wg
  17. Sounded like a good ole Seahawks-suckfest,,, << (registered trademark) , just like the good old days. :rofl: We have never been able to watch Sunday games from late Sept through the end of Oct as my family harvest cranberries at that time.. been pretty lucky as there was the bi-suckual week a Thursday game and a Monday game all in a row. You know as a diehard Mariners and Seaturkeys fan,,,,,, i have said it before and i will say it again. There's always next year. :rofl: :rofl:
  18. Tumwater pick-n-pull to see this Oh snap!! How much are these worth again??
  19. I know It has been brought up to you before,,, ,,,,,,,,,very diplomatically i might add,, BUT your water mark still looks like a scratch
  20. I was only talking about when i try landing my spaceship in an interstellar transport station.
  21. Smokes European vacation video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32SkxLCZz_o
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