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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Well they battled the police for like a week didn't they ?? Soooooo not sure your lone ranger gun theory holds a whole lotta water . Sean Hannity could have stopped the whole thing in a matter of minutes,,,,,, me ,, i would just find the darkest corner ,, and be very small there.
  2. I believe it to be the FRT1000 Made by VaJayJay LLC ,, you see that hole in the front of cabin?? Well when they used it in the wastelands of Wisconsin during the cold war to inseminate the really ugly girls.. They would insert the appropriate "extension" ,,, so to speak,,, drive around waiting for a viable candidate in the bent over position.. Then unbeknownst to the heifer, the driver would pull up directly behind them, then extend out the,, dill-dough* as they called it back then. and insert it directly into the wild boar at a speed approaching a brisk walking pace. This one seems to have been used for night time sorties as it has l lights as well.
  3. My wifes brother Darryl and his family live way the hell out on hwy 20 ,,,,, so yeah holy shit . I thought you worked in Everett ?,, that is a mighty big hump every morning.
  4. Last winter we went to a meet in Monroe and another in South fucking Canada in a hole called Burlington. How much farther north than that is it? cuz damn I don't even remember why it was even in burlington but hell there were almost as many South Sounders at that get together as if we had it in Olympia,, fer cryin out loud.,
  5. Do those khakis come wit the optional backup beeper pre installed??
  6. Tell him he looks like a penis with a beard,,, for a 7% discount on parts.
  7. Thanks man now that your over here you ,, we gotta start takin road trips back over to where you were.. :lol: We drive all over the place this summer ,, in August we went over to Wapato/White swan ,,, i would love to see all the keyboard warriors on here talk all their shiiiiit about Redskins there... Words may not hurt,, but a giant corn fed indian beating your head on pavement might,, :rofl: :rofl: ,,, but i digress . . Anyways we drove over I90 and down canyon road to Selah then back over White Pass... DRIVE DRIVE DRIVE!! pictures to prove i ain't lying,,,,,,, My 16 year old son drove his 85 celica . I hope you get yours over here and running good ,,,,,,,,,,, there's miles to be put under them wheels boy.
  8. Me and the FAT1oh went to Walmart tonight and it looks like someone else in the sloth sound hauled ass over there and scooped every last truck.. There was a shit load of vettes and cool impalas though.
  9. You guys know there are people on here seeing every word your thinking?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-M8GszEN9MM
  10. I register 7 cars every year and if i didn't i wouldn't be able to drive them on the street... So how is a bike different? I also have permanent plates on 3 others that i paid one time $70. fee,, but i ain't counting those in this debate.
  11. Aye avast ye scurvy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, dickweeds.
  12. Weird i didn't notice where it came from either.. Now i could say that i'm not on here 24/7 like some of you guys, so some stuff slipping by me doesn't surprise me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but that shit just ain't the truth.
  13. My wife calls me, my sons and my brothers Datsuns,, nerdmobiles .. I have noticed through careful observation,, Girls like riding around in slammed cars,,, Women don't
  14. You must have really been tearing your hair out of that comment i made.. Wait.. Wut? :blush: :rofl:
  15. I guess Kmart was to upscale for the neighborhood Tumwater Wallmart had what seemed like 50 of the red 620s the other day piled in the big cardboard bin thing.. i bought 2.
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