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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. So instead of actually working on my Orange peeler,, i went with Juan-ear and the knucklehead brothers, and picked this thing and it's very large parts stash up last Thursday.. Basically 2 cars less one body,, even 2 windshields ,, titled and licensed,, no shit. And yes this very much has a orange 1200 sedan connection . we'll get to that shit in a second,, first checkity- check these snaps ,, yo. . Very little rust on any part of car . Floor board is rusted but it is removable like an older Ford ? Chevy truck ,, and yes got one of those also . , thing was very heavy for such a tiny thing. 4 of us barely got it out of there and to streets lower frame has been sandblasted already. ^^^^^ see the connection ??? unloading that night with Kubota of science Happy now?? .
  2. I would say it's more dwarfy than dumpy ... Following FAT510 in it on freeway, we passed a truck hauling little off road vehicles, and it is very small looking next to even those. .and yes it did take me this long to find the picture,, haha Its kinda sad to think, just those three side by sides being hauled , are worth probably double what i payed for my house and property in 1989 .
  3. Brookings is about as far away from anything as anything has ever been .
  4. Last Saturday. After we went to a friends car show ,, Short 3hour one way road trip with wife ( she drives Buick) up to Sequim Wa .. Take separate cars because youngest can be a handful, so we spread the load on long trips . Stopped at the Skallamananalla-ma tribes ( not exactly sure of spelling ) Sequim bay Smokey sunset It’s almost impossible to just cross that hiway to take closer pics with giant totem , and was dark when we can back through
  5. I forgot to add this from my trip to Colorado .. I literally parked and got out to get this for posterity. @yenpit at building in front of Forney museum
  6. When you’re clutch disc isn’t much bigger than your spark plugs
  7. as said 195 is pretty normal .. when I used to drive my 510 in winter ,, it’s cold up here in NW .. 195 is/was achieved by choking air flow through radiator a bit by using cardboard .. To warm inside car better. that said ,, My brothers radiator gave up the ghost a couple years ago and it’s very costly to fix these days … I might add ,, he has at least 6 radiators piled up in and behind my shed and not one of them holds water anymore . . So he bit the bullet and installed a VW radiator ( dime quarterly write up ) and he says it works perfectly. look it up ,, I can’t link to it because on phone
  8. Wanted to find oics to steal but because I wasn’t sure how many pages back this was so did the simple ratsun tagged search .. this is what comes up first . Jesus tap dancing Christ
  9. My oldest brothers been bald since forever .. watching the end of the Sponge Bob movie ,, I looked at him and started laughing the more I tried not to .. he just said ,, “ ha ha dumbass” .
  10. isn’t a skullette a young girls toy ?? weird they would zero in on that as hate speech , even if used to joking refer to someone’s haircut. I remember being removed from class in 8th grade (1979?ish) for saying cornhole .. we visited in-laws up in Chicago that summer and they actually played that game so it was new word for me .. I might have used it in a slightly derogatory manner , but still .
  11. whoa!! Jason sighting the picture link no workey . you can uplink pics directly off phone now if you shrink them down . I personally put on instagram,, then screen shot , then edit out labels and text on my phone . Save , and it’s automatically small enough .
  12. I honestly just wanted to buy a few trim parts.. Then self control went completely out the window .. haha before I bought it , I searched here for someone that might have parts closer than Australia.. came across a thread by a Canadian doing full rebuild but it’s not been updated in forever . Even same color blue . i will edit and link to it later when on PC We went to car show in Vancouber Canada eh,, and the car that won “our” class was a super nice red one .
  13. South bound 205 just off i5 about noon today.
  14. we only send ours for fresh fruit sales (in bag) or to be made into craisins.. .
  15. here's some random ass shit because ,,, what the hell,, it don't cost nothin. just happened to have these at hand copying IMGUR pics onto Instagram for storage The old fleet ,, each cuts about 3 feet ,, but usually less Machines only pick left to right, because depth wheel, would knock berries off going right to left Evo the waving Swede About 50 lbs each .. By distance to that cart ,,, This is about 2pm ,,, ended day with well over 600
  16. We were out driving and i could have swore that green turbo 2+2 was going other way ,,it makes sense why i would have seen one now .. It surprised me cuz its just like the one in my backyard. Same except for the rear louvers can't link to pics on PC
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