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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. i'm going to spray paint a giant Z on my car and invade the meet like the Rooskies ..
  2. I’m only over here because we are looking at a F350 at auction, and it just happened to be in Medical lake . it’s really hard to find a super duty that isn’t a diesel. Or a V10 If anyone is thinking of vacationing there ,,, just for reference,, Medical lake is like the king butthole of water features.
  3. Coming to you live from out in front of a Zips burger in ,, from all indications,,, ,dumpy downtown Ritzville
  4. It was 91 degrees Wife’s 1400 miles away flight was delayed about 2 hours Yenpits recollection of story seems to check out .
  5. I got through airport security on real name . greeted you as my the alternate identity , my older sisters named me . Been awhile since I air traveled ,, or rented a car.. Using QR-codes for everything, is seriously the weirdest shit ever.
  6. im am now playing that on repeat for the rest of the evening. .
  7. I don’t go by my legal name even in real life , so I get 2 ballots every election since they went to mail-in in Wa state. so there’s that .
  8. It’s called the Blue Wonder my brother used to be into following fancy smancy vintage road racing, so by default,,,,,, so did I .
  9. ok, end of topic hog for a bit as its being put in shipping container for a bit, waiting to get decision on front frame repair . As some of you know Lil Scalpers health is sometimes kinda harsh lately. if you had smell-o-vision you would be able to tell it smells a ton better inside now though These are floors i'm putting in when it comes back ,,, assuming it ever actually comes out of container again and leaves that is. They Are now cut away from that firewall but you get the fookin idea ,,, dumbass. Thanks to @Morrisun for sheet metals of science,, a a ton of other 1200 stuff. Anyways,, Do what my cardiologist suggests ,, get off internet , get on tread mill , lose some weight cuz you're a fat ass .
  10. Pictures,,, taken off videos by zooming in . there is many close up head shots in videos so you can see “it” before it’s “enhanced”. .
  11. Look at Chevy Aveo seats in junk yard. No bolsters and kinda hard but are small and have conveniently shaped rails. since it’s such a throw away car most are pretty beat .or cigarette burned . So you have to look at a few to find nice ones
  12. Have you seen the comparison pictures of Bidens ear lobes?? Kinda makes you wonder what the fucks real or not . .
  13. It’s Seattle ,, half the population lives in their cars.
  14. doesn't look quite as bad without engine and wiring going load up with forklift of science and take over to pressure wash inside and under while it's still hot enough out to dry.. ,,,, mostly just removal of headlight buckets left to do other shit inside that needed removed to clean up old timey smells Anyways ,, i got to get this piece of shit out of my garage to start on my middle sons 84 Celica head gasket so he can be part of the caravan in August.
  15. Flying ,, into Denver Friday about 8pm ,,, not real sure when I'm going out Sunday evening. Wife did all that, and i believe we discussed it, but it seems as though i might not have been listening .. i do know it was pretty cheap because i am only one going. so finding cheap seat was less effort. .
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