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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. soooo in my search today, to finally get me started on getting a couple of those cool ,, D21s Both targets near me have selections of either the go cart thing or the helmet car .. or multipacks with fantasy vehicles.. what in the donkey balls type shit is that??
  2. On another note.. Do you think they would frown on “someone” wearing golf shoes , instead of slippery ass leather soles dress shoes?? or maybe,, water lawn just a little less??
  3. Relatives live there and Colorado Springs so I’ve been to all of those but air museum as child and as teenager a few times . And yes Colorado is nice but I’m born raised sealevel dude,, it gives me headaches if I stay up in Denver to long .. even as a child don’t wanna go to far out this time since I’m just rolling in Friday night ,, carrying large boxes around Saturday and then rolling back out Sunday . .
  4. i could do a Shelby museum ,, i like old mustangs but, i would like more room in my storage container also .
  5. I checked,, must be because personal collection, but its not open days I'm there
  6. apparently I’m Going to Denver at end of month .. Anyone know shit I could look at ? Car museums. War museum, Armory museums? Shit like that .. Location is near a place called Lakewood . no junkyards.. Since I’m only going to be there Friday night through Sunday night ,, Saturday morning will be mostly doing the corpse party thing . I know I “could” ask cousins when I get there,, but it would be nice to plan something ahead of time. only taking carry on. On a happier note ,,, this is one of the few Midwest in-laws that did not succumb to drugs and/or violence in their death. (edit) I should say I can Google ,, I’m looking to not waste my time driving around if stuff there sucks… I can do dorky if it’s run by people into the experience, if that makes sense . thanks ,,, and/or fuck you .
  7. I traded a 1200 to a B210 guy and he brazed up the original 1200 tank. He has at least 9 b210s and probably 4 more in parts .. If that helps there’s a place in Eugene Oregon that boils out gas tanks and such.. I believe they even pick up and deliver when in certain areas.
  8. Our tiny little caravan Strange tings are afoot , Saturday night at the La Hacienda
  9. she’s a beauty Clark
  10. it would probably be faster to drive your car .
  11. put nuts back on a head studs few turns , put spark plugs in ,, take push rods out .. spin engine over, compression should pop it up
  12. If i remember correctly that crazy tootsack chick is credited for naming Three Dog night
  13. Me and FAT510s birthdays are on same day as your shenanigans. . .
  14. I keep seeing the blue 320 ,, who’s is it, yours ??
  15. 80s celicas run those since wife and middle son are "Toyota celica" people i have a few sets i use for winter wheels on 411s .
  16. It was said to be there before we even went down. we finally found it under basement stair case. i waited more than a few days after he posted (in wrong b210 section) to let more local types, a shot at the stuff,, but he then posted no-one was responding (even then, i waited a few days) ,,so i sent him a message . since we just went through having to liquidate a couple estates lately and how too much stuff, can be real chore to move, and time restraints with multiple family members , without ending up throwing away just to get done... i didn't want to see that happen with 1200 sedan stuff. He was also building an airplane in garage. . I got this cool street view, but leery to post till house is cleaned out of personal items . . .
  17. NOS hoses ,,, I would probably be scared to actually use,,,,, but cool nonetheless. one of the brand new heads is kinda cool . a crap ton of other parts like stainless trim but these were the coolest AND - - - At the old school reunion on Sunday an old dude walked up us and said the most preposterous thing…. Updates on that very soon
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