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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. come on old timer ,,, it's now .
  2. Camping at Powerland is better than Canby was. There i said it. 7' chainlink fence to keep weirdos in and huge area so you can spread out for privacy if you wish... AND you could have a Costco propane firepit thing blazing at 1:30-2:00 ,, no ones going to come by and quiet you like at fairgrounds.. There is a couple old dudes in golf carts making sure the stupidity doesn't get outta hand but not like before.. . .
  3. Been monkeying around on instagram trying to get used to how it works .. Redeye took this at Powerland. lol
  4. He’s in a British commonwealth.. I’m just happy he didn’t arbitrarily use an extra U somewhere in the word .
  5. Early 240z hubcaps are worth a lot of money .. first style I can’t link on this phone Even in somewhat poor shape they are worth more than you might think .
  6. it’s on the event date thing a ma bob .. thought I posted here 11:30 to (i put ) 4:30 but it’s really whenever .. it depends on weather . Last year was kinda nice .. rain and wind high enough to blow bowls off table for about half hour .. then , sun came out and was nicer out than before storm
  7. My wifes family ate that,, she was late baby compared to rest of her siblings so her dad was old enough to qualify for those exact boxes of cheese.. was pretty good cheese . .
  8. found elsewhere on the ole international web of truth
  9. Please,,,, Subscribe.... and hit the like button, for more time wasting crap as that video ,
  10. Remember the phrase ,, " all threads eventually turn into ______________s" <<< say it out loud like Red in Shawshank redemption sitting at wall. Weeeell fuck that shit,, out with the old ,, in with the new. ............ Every thread turns into burn barrels eventually , and i for one couldn't be happier Burn barrels are also banned in This state , but does that stop us??? oh come on FUCK NO!! is the answer. Burning off some sticker bushes a few years ago. Notice the windmills on hill?? Those are south east of my property in Grayland WA . they were Put in 2011 or very near. There may or not be plastic pop bottles in pile keeping that going ,, whos to know for sure really. You are welcome America ,
  11. There was a time not long ago 12 acres of clean , good producing property could make you money enough to almost live without any other job.. bottom fell out like 12(?) years ago Right now ,, unless you have new “super” producing berry vines . Or very large bog . it would be more fiscally responsible to leave them out in the bog every fall .
  12. for the slave cylinder try a 76-ish b210 it’s metric thread but it’s almost the right size . Might have to grind either slave or tranny for better fit , but I can’t remember,, it’s been awhile . and it’s very close size wise and best of all ,, cheap .
  13. I know a guy that will rebuild for $450. Total .. problem is he’s about 40 miles from coast .. good deal if close ,, kinda messes up the budget if you live way out in the dingleberries . Sad thing ,, He was $300. Just 2 years ago .
  14. And on to the bad,, Frame rail needs a buncha help Dash is a toaster biscuit Seats are pretty much used up Before i traded i asked around and only way i would trade is if i could get someone to weld in new front ,,,,,,, cheap. ( remember the CABG thing??) After asking a couple people,, ole Scalpum said he would do it for trade of a 56 Ford f100 that's just sitting there. might still end up doing it myself but that's where we are at right now.. WITH THIS .. and it's funny i have no pictures of actual front frame ,, haha body is getting cut off and sent to Canada And i have this dash laying on floor of my garage right now,, it's cracked a tiny bit but not like lunar landscape like other one i also bought this up in Marysville for the 5speedit had,, running driving.. He Wanted quite a bit more than this cheap fucker was willing to pay, soo after waiting a few weeks,,, i gave my man in Amsterdam a buzz and he went over and got it,, for a very good deal . Cars getting stripped and shipped to Sutters in Tacoma so if you want something let me know. (EDIT) Quite a few parts are already spoken for,, in trade for getting it, Thanks to PercytheAce for getting it and storing it at his place,, so i could wait a few weeks till i was able to actually travel that far. and FAT510 for driving me up there and loading on trailer.. Since I couldn’t . For reference ,, the 411 that was bought/financed Looks like this now,, parked with his other 411s
  15. ^^^ But for some crazy reason it involves one,, lol Some have seen this thing before .. it was sitting if field , new owners wanted to park a few logging trucks in that spot. Guy took forever to get back to us so i bought another coupe for $330. ,, since i now had one neighbor Juan-ear bought it for $300. .. He sent it through state patrol inspection and got it licensed in his name 3 years later... Car sat ever since because front frame rail under battery is toast,, like,, toast,, toast . Funny thing was even though it had sat in that field forever brakes and clutch worked , and i gave him carb and it ran normally. gas tank was toast so that's a jerry rigged type thing but you could drive it if you weren't scared of right side of suspension falling off. Ok , move forward last July(?) a 67 SSS came up for sale near us that used to be a guys dads car,, we had heard about at Lefty's car meet one day.. Well, he had moved it to very near us and actually put a price on it. Juan didn't have the money , so i said he would be kicking himself if he didn't just buy it, and i would loan him all the money. He does work for me at my farm during cranberry season so i knew i would get most of it back without worry,, but honestly i wasn't worried as he's neighbor so where's he gonna go . he comes back with,, he can trade some of money back for 1200 and an extra SD22 bellhousing i had for his tranny swap. So ,, i said fuck it . Brought it over day before my open heart quadruple bypass, so if i felt better, i could piddle with it.. But other than FAT510 driving it out of garage washing then driving back in ,, it just sits in garage for now . I put up ad on facebook for an A series 5speed and B210GTX210 sold me one,, well, kinda.... 😄 He also sold me A nicer rear bumper ,, front bumper isn't as bad as it appears.. the part of vehicle it was supposed to be bolted to was missing Bumper that was very nice but went through a raging fire,, still really straight though.
  16. Not sure which one but a tv show a few years back where they buy cars ,, and in garage was a corvette with ZX taillights
  17. until
    Hamburgers / hot dogs whatever ,, FREE to you Start and times are approximate depending how cold it is. Address 2815 37TH AVE SW, TUMWATER, WA, 98512-5102. Map ,, clickity-clickity https://goo.gl/maps/gBfdKaea5HjtAsJX6 Discussion here ,,,,,,, Stupid shit posting is welcomed . ,. . ..... How stoned were you when you first heard this album. ??
  18. Hello, boys , and girls,,, It's that time again .. No, not random sex acts with the homeless ... It's time for the Datsun BBQ event of the season. THE Capt.TESTICLES BBQ !!! Datsuns-Early Nissans Since it's our groups party we buy all the shit ,, you just show up in a Datsun and partake .. There will be hamburgers ,hot dogs potato chips and depending if Qtip has to go camping or some lame excuse AGAIN maybe pop .. did i mention FREE?? If you want to bring some chips you can but there will be no "donation" cup or any bullshit like that . If you wanna show up and feed your face do it. Nice ,, to pile of junk, we don't care There is an actual bathroom inside building so if you have girl with tiny bladder ,,, we got you fam. If you're looking for a trophy for you just showing up ,,, you will be sadly disappointed . If you're looking for other like minded jagoffs looking to argue , we can offer that in spades. DATSUNS- Early Nissans C T Specialties powder coaters https://goo.gl/maps/NYCWXDSQ2cQEH2Vz6 2815 37TH AVE SW, TUMWATER, WA, 98512-5102. You can bring any older Japanese junk ,, but might be resigned to parking "way the fuck over there" Bring your Datsun out bring your old lady ,, bring a headless mannequin dressed like Queen Elizbeth . we don't care ,, or wont say anything EITHER WAY!! There will be no balloon animals for the children this year . .
  19. short story I was driving to go to doctors yesterday and told a stupid joke only you get that makes it so you start uncontrollably laughing …. The pain emanating from chest was making it so I couldn’t stop laughing .. like a self perpetuating machine.. Road taken out to Reservation clinic is no shoulder very curvy so no place to pull over.. could barely see road with the tears in my eyes till I got to straight stretch where there’s a truck turn out.. but still .. A++ would trade again Haha
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