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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Maybe it's because Dapper lighting was here since 09 Same with Fotofab ( 07 in that case) whose cyber monday sale was left open till after it was over. Long time, in good standing members . 620 mudflapper guy became a member 40 minutes before making thread. and has exactly 1 post,,, that one, peddling his rubbers It's called forum etiquette,, without it we have anarchy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, well more anarchy anyway
  2. Or do i owe someone an apology?
  3. Still ? You have one post. :lol:
  4. There used to be a set of those wheels like you have in the front laying in my back yard ,,, man those things weighed a ton.
  5. For the record i had to come in from soldering wires on FATs new truck cuz i think one of my nuts froze and broke off a few minutes ago... ALSO ,,, i just learned that Sir Alec Guinness killed James Dean,,,,,,,,,,,, don't believe me.,,, look that shit up.
  6. i hope you aint selling that shit,,,, cuz aint nobody that's been n here for more than a year or two,,,,,,, is buyin it.. Most probably don't but you taking my point as a personal threat ( use of warrior) , ,, and the multiple meltdowns YOU personally have had on Ratsun from people giving you even the littlest hard time........... ;) . self-ag·gran·dize·ment (sĕlf′ə-grăn′dĭz-mənt) n. The act or practice of enhancing or exaggerating one's own importance, power, or reputation. self′-ag·gran′diz′ing (-ə-grăn′dī′zĭng) adj. :rofl: :rofl:
  7. I've lost my damn long johns bottoms again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Ever see someone eat a Kiwi without pealing it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, looks horrible .
  9. For someone that says he has a hide of a "rhino" you brought up the word "kiwi" that we all haven't had the pleasure of someone calling >>you<< outta spite for quite some time now,,,,,,,,,,, that is until you brought it up just now.................... Hmmmmm i guess that skin is more tender than your writing would lead us to believe eh?
  10. Am i the only person picturing danfiveten on a unicycle right now? .
  11. Seriously bigtanker ,, the last thing you need is more shadow.
  12. Cuz the question really tied the whole post together, did it not dude ?
  13. I thought RLs all came with the 190 differential with 411 gears.. Should be able to just change gears on a truck diff ( to get numbers you want) and add the aluminum drums without changing out whole unit..
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bananahamuck


      There should be a Ratsun big Lebowski drive-in movie night.

    3. KoHeartsGPA


      Shut the fuck up, Donny.....

    4. HOGIE


      Make it happen, and the Datsun's will come!

  14. They sure have set the bar WAAAAAY the fuck up there for using obnoxiously large wheels on vintage Japanese cars,,,,,,,,,, that's for sure
  15. YO!! I heard you like to tow around 2 Z cars with your 4door dually Dodge.
  16. The word digress is used used erroneously in this rant. You are welcome .
  17. I do believe i talked to you at least once out and about also. older fat guy = me skinny white kid = Fat510
  18. Twins were home aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall fucking day
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