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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. WOW! Very good job you did there mklotz!! The 1200 strut/hub/brakes aren't much different from the 210 IIRC, so essentially with a few minor modifications to the mounting bracket or other essentially different pieces, this would be easy as pie as well, correct?
  2. I know, thats the L16. ;) The Z22 is a different block that's not pictured. What other cast heads would you recommend for a low compression ratio? I just plan on having it as a daily driver, but I want to make a little more power with it. Something to toy around with I suppose.
  3. I use a CherryBomb turbo muffler. Not top of the line, but it's a nice inexpensive, readily available muffler. It's not too loud, not too quiet and certainly not restrictive. I would recommend it if you're looking for a cheap solution Good news is, if you don't like it it's only $22 bucks down the drain
  4. That makes a good point. But whats so bad about perky boobs... I mean, really? new bewbz post GO
  5. You can have it then You probably got more of a use for it ATM then me. I still have to go get the Z22.
  6. Guess what Ratsun!.

    1. Laecaon
    2. metalmonkey47


      Put your penis away sir.

    3. izzo


      lol, that the guy from hot rod?

  7. I know you posted local pickups, but you wouldn't be willing to ship anything would you?
  8. Who got scared? Cuz I know I sure as fuck wasn't I'm not gonna give some little assholes the satisfaction of knowing they pissed me off. And I sure as hell wasn't gonna have them follow me home from work one night and shoot me because I told them to shut the fuck up. It's not like my car's hard to spot. It's very rare to see another car like it in the area. Let alone daily.
  9. So which is faster, the Honduh or Datsun?
  10. Oops, forgot we were talking about a J13 here *facepalm* Off to the insomniacs thread >>>>>
  11. So you like blue huh? Looks good! Would have left the head bare metal IMO, but it's your engine What kind of paint did you use? I really like the color!
  12. You know what HRH, you're right. I honestly do need to move further out. But honestly, anywhere around here it's all the same. It's either white hate or black hate. I hate all racism equally. As far as the ghettos, people do make them. It's not really based on "low income" or "low property value", it's about lazy assholes that want to make an excuse for their lack of intelligence and poor business ethics. Getting a job isn't really that hard, you just have to devote yourself. Hell, the Autozone job just kind of fell into my lap. i applied and completely destroyed the interview. You don't even have to know anything about cars to work there. The area where i work is all minorities. Everyones lazy as FUCK. I actually had a guy complain because his mechanic wanted to charge him a hundred bucks to change his clutch!!
  13. OOPS! Typo Fixed. Sorry, typed it from a celly and didn't get a chance to proof read.
  14. Honestly, I'm pretty fucking sick of this area. Georgia as a whole is stupid. Every time you turn a corner some guys is cussing and trying to antagonize you for no reason. Everyone wants something for nothing. The state as a whole in this area is racist. Black or white, it doesn't matter. People have no tolerance. I was lucky enough to grow up being taught how to tolerate morons and ignore them. the sad thing is, most of these guys will follow you around until they get a reaction about you. I have assholes ride my ass all the time yelling slanderous shit. I have a defense mechanism though: Noone really likes following a car that emits blinding stinking smoke clouds. You ever smelling burning synthetic? It stinks. Being that Atlanta is the "rap capital" of the world, and I'm less then an hour away (technically I'm IN the metro Atlanta area) everyone over here is a gangster that likes to start shit and piss you off. Always in groups though, like has been mentioned. They're all pussies. Ever since Obama was voted into office everyone has been cocky and anal about it. I always hear "we got a black man as president woohoo!" and my response is always something to the extent of "you do realize EVERY other president was white right?" I use tolerance though. i know when to stop and let people run there mouth.
  15. The dude came into my store and i mentioned it and he swore up and down it's an L20B and it's cast into the block. Hell, he welcomed me back to take a look at it. I think the Z22 Frankenstein motor would make me happier though. Whats the best head combo for the Z22 for power? And with stock Z22 pistons and an L head (A87 is what I was told would make a good combo) what kind of compression ratio and power should I expect?
  16. I left work tonight and had some problems with my car not starting and my dad came up with a multi meter and some wrenches to figure it out, and while we're under the hood some black guys are walking by across the street and start yelling racist shit like "fuck you whitey" and "stupid cracker ass" while we were in the parking lot working on my car! We ignored the assholes and I called the cops (waste of time) because it wasn't worth getting shot over, and these pant sagging dick heads (excuse the language, I'M PISSED) came back by again antagonizing us trying to piss us off. This whole time, my dad was just laughing with his .38 in his hand under the hood. I went inside to get some fuses and wire cutters from behind the shelf, mentioned it something to my cool manager who happens to be a big black guy and he comes barreling out the door mumbling about dragging these assholes across the street and beating them with a lead pipe, goes straight to my dad and apologizes for the way they're acting. I was actually quite astonished because I wasn't expecting my boss to do that. Seriously though, is this 1932 or should I just loose all faith in society?
  17. Honestly, anything is cool with me. I like simplicity and it seems that the older the engine, the better it is to diagnose when something breaks. I'm old school at heart. The idea of tuning multiple carbs and listening to a high revving 4 cyl is just badass to me. It's a Datsun thing. That and period correctness. I have a soft spot for old school race cars. Rat rods and gassers to be more exact. I suppose that's why I'm just so attracted to Datsuns. They're unique and truly one of a kind.
  18. Pics of the Libres? I might be interested in buying them from you in the near future.
  19. WTF> I'm randomly watching videos on youtube and look in the comments to see whose there....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ariascarlos1990


      Anyone else notice the ant at the end? he's like WTF just happened?!!?!

    3. Skib


      hahaha 280zx2by2 is dooouuuuche!

    4. INDY510


      that burnout was kinda FAIL though

  20. Can't believe I didn't think of that. And it's not even a fram. Oil change on the to-do list after work tomorrow. The oil's only got 200 miles and its black as night.
  21. I wanna fly up there with Monkeygirl this year for Canby! It's the week of my Bday IIRC. It looks like a blast.
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