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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Youtube is down??????

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zeusimo
    3. metalmonkey47


      Sorry, something went wrong.


      A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation.


      If you see them, show them this information:

    4. metalmonkey47










  2. But it's not Ratsun, so why would I want to do that? I'm here for Ratsun
  3. SOOOO badass Good job so far. Moar oics!
  4. lol I had to make up for the fail thread. What better way then with boobs?
  5. lolllllll :rofl: is this a contest?
  6. Hella small. The oic not the boobs. ollz. Moar like this..
  7. If you have to ask a bunch of middle age men who'r probably less sane then yourself and question your own sanity, chances are you're about as nutty as a jar 'o peanut butter :rofl: Either way, I think it's a neat idea, but it would be heavy and require some power to be functional.
  8. I guess that all depends on whether or not it actually happens and what the mods decide.
  9. For every additional vote or so I will post boobz Until then, hold down the fort 510freak!
  10. Mike ruined our fun :(

    1. metalmonkey47


      I insist on posting boobs. We are having way to much fun.

  11. What parts store? When I'm working at Autozone and someone comes in to return something that's not needed with a receipt, It's a done deal. Guess thats why people prefer my store to most others
  12. Sheer coincidence? LOL It wouldn't be the first time. Sorry if I came across a dick. Even though I am one I am not to be taken very cereal'y on the interwebz at night.
  13. SDMF'er

    1. metalmonkey47


      LOL I didn't mean what you're thinking :p

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