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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Right when I thought I finally got away from this damn song.... It shows up on Ratsun.... Is this really how were gonna occupy ourselves while Skibby is away? :rofl:
  2. I needz moar power!

    1. NOTES...


      Quick way to add Moar Paor= Go to The Zone and add sticky fender vents and as many chrome stickers.. That will be like 100hp

  3. Don't tell him of our shenanigans!
  4. Good luck Skib! Because I haven't seen this thread yet. We'll try to keep the shenanigans to a minimum for the time your gone (said sarcastically) Indy, this is the brake we've all been dreaming of! Let the clown shoes begin!
  5. I want GoPro!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MicroMachinery


      which one do you have?

    3. DatWifey


      Carlos, hit me up with details of what you've got if MetalMonkey isn't interested.

    4. metalmonkey47


      Wish I had the money Carlos!

  6. Voted. I'll go log into my GF's and brothers FB and vote as well. i really hope you win, since it seems your intentions are legit. Good luck dan!
  7. ^^^ Isn't that exact thing we're trying to avoid? I haven't taken the time to read through this past page 1 yet, but I guess now I need to.
  8. Fuuuu went to the doctor today, and ended up leaving after having minor surgery. Not expected. Ouch mofo hurts

  9. Had my brothers GM Vortec heads rebuilt a few years back for $300. And thats a pair of two with labor/parts/taxes together.
  10. This video has either been removed from Facebook or is not visible due to privacy settings. Y U NO POAST ON PHOTOBUCKET??
  11. Tell me when and where and I"ll me ya I just wanna get it all buttoned up before she leaves. I don't want to sell it to someone in shitty condition. I want someone to be PROUD to own her!
  12. She looks good! Princess, if you want any tips taking oics with your D3100, let me know and I'd be happy to teach
  13. Yeah, if that was an option I wouldn't be asking There isn't shit for 210 body parts around here.
  14. Been working on some metal stripping the last few days, and ran across a flimsy bit of crap on the wiper cowl, that I found was cracked. Just curious how you guys would go about repairing it the "right" way. I doubt the metals going to be strong enough to weld to, or else I'd have stripped it off and welded up the crack.
  15. Work in 3 hours and still haven't slept?? FAIL!

    1. Pumpkn210


      Your using sobriety as a Crutch!

    2. RedBanner
  16. Tonights updates in the zone... and not a ricer, but still showed up so I'll post
  17. anddddd http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFT6TFw7e_w&feature=related
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDYwgob8Lnc&feature=related
  19. They realized they were surrounded by idiots and quit :rofl:
  20. Why is it that people think they can buy a part, and install it on their car, and then when it doesn't fix their problem, return it for a full refund. I mean, ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? The relay is obviously used dude, it's still hot, and you only bought it an hour ago. Sitting in your warm car you say? It's 9:00 at night and theirs greasy handprints all over it.
  21. Binding maybe? Lube that sucker up with some white lithium grease!
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