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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. I have food allergies. Nasty ass deadly allergies that have had me in the hospital 4 times in the last year. I GUARAN-fucking-TEE any of you stop eating anything milk, wheat, and soy related perminantly for a month, you will see a drastic change. My metabolism rate is so high, I can eat all day for hours, and never gain a pound. BTW, izzo, glad to hear you were man enough to kick it. I've seen friends die from that stuff, and it ruins lives. Keep it clean bro.
  2. I weight about 140, and I'm 6'1. I used to be 200lbs, but dropped 50 pounds in about two months, and another ten after that. I have some secrets
  3. Opinions are always welcome. it's the only way to learn. I still haven't really gotten to adjusting it from the initial setup, so the contrast is pretty high like what you were seeing. I'm gonna play some more with it and it should lighten up the foreground and look a little bit better. Let me know if you wanna go do it some time. I'd love to go get some pictures of it Whats GZ doing with it right now?
  4. YUP! Got a few for now, but I have to fine tune the camera and take it out again. Here's some un-eddited RAW driveway shots.
  5. I considered it actually, but I really liked the feel of the Nikons. Kind of fit me better. I dunno, just seems like every Nikon I've used had a more natural feel and had all the buttons in an easier place. I adjusted the settings and JUST took this pic. It's astounding how sharp this camera is when adjusted properly! I had NO idea the camera had such a huge difference with the Active 'd'-lighting. I over-rode it and cranked up the sharpness and contrast, and heres what I got.
  6. I just found a few settings in my camera that I knew nothing about before and was able to totally warp the current settings to sharpen images and bring out the contrast naturally instead of editing. Next round of pictures should look 10X better!
  7. Hmmmm :P I might have to speak with you soon regarding it! I have no money at the moment and wanna replace some parts.
  8. Indy, that lens on your camera takes some sharp ass pictures!!
  9. Not painted ;) Just VERY clean! Took lots of time, but clean up nice.
  10. Doing lots of work! Wish I had the time and money to take my car down for a while. I'd LOVE to tear my car apart and restore it like it should be done!
  11. Yup. By adjusting the air pressure, you're adjusting stiffness and height. It's very common on muscle cars where the rears start to sag and the heavy bodies weigh them down. Air shocks provide plenty of support. Running as low as 20-40PSI would keep you reasonably low. If you plan on hauling something, you can go as high as 100-150PSI safely.
  12. Aannnnndddd the planning is done! Go wire it up, fire it up, and drive it!
  13. ......is what you meant to say^^ Wheres wildmanid when you need him?
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