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Everything posted by sick620

  1. family and ratsun friends are the #1 thing in this world :) I hope she feels better :(
  2. just upgrade to a kenwood or downgrade back to stock(god i hate sony)
  3. when I pull my knob 1 time it blows but when I pull it the second time it stops
  4. Ya thats what I thought I just wasnt sure.
  5. mine will blow out the bottom and defrost but not out the vents.
  6. This might be a stupid ? but I think my heater dosnt work how its supposed to. I know that if you put the top slider half way thats the defrost setting. and with mine if i slide them both to the right it just comes out by my feet. What is it supposed to do if you pull the bottom knob out TWO times. Mine NEVER comes out of the top vents. Can someone just explain how a full functioning 620 heater is supposed to work?
  7. when I read this title I thought that lynch420 finally got caught by imigration. :) hahaha
  8. got any more of that sound deadening shiz for me? :)
  9. copy and paste the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  10. all I saw was a mexican ? there was no martians
  11. anyone have some old 620 hooks that they cut off there rig? Im going to make keychains ;)
  12. mine were $25 at autozone. blocks are just fine. Unless you plan on racing or something just get blocks they run fine for street use.
  13. stay "motivated" and keep us posted :)
  14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirate_Baby%27s_Cabana_Battle_Street_Fight_2006
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