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Status Updates posted by mrbigtanker

  1. new seats.bucket that is.

  2. more and more turkey.

    1. 420n620


      turkey, cranberry sauce and cream cheese sammishes. yummie.

  3. working on veterans day and making alot of money.

  4. Getting a custom roof rack built.

  5. Coil overs up front.

    1. skyblue
    2. DAT510


      party in the back.


  6. The bed skirts are now lowered.

    1. MicroMachinery


      skirts? better be porn.

  7. The bed skirt panels being lowered right now.

    1. wayno


      Are they going to match the cab rockers, or are the skirts just going to be extended to the cab bottom?

    2. Phixius


      where are the pictures?

  8. Lowering the bed skirts

    1. Laecaon


      oooo me want to see!

  9. Just turned 40 years old and feeling old.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ripetomatoes


      happy birthday! down a beer for me. :)

    3. peanutbuttercups


      Happy birthday, be there in seven months. Not looking forward to it

    4. Busta Nut

      Busta Nut

      Happy Birthday!!.....At least you're still 10 years away from those exciting doctor visits...

  10. Winning second place at JCCS

    1. wayno


      Congrats on placing/showing.

  11. Getting little things done for JCCS.

  12. my transmission...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE



      Phuck you Furd


      Tranny shop days "wtf there is only 60k on the drivetrain !"



    3. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      Days = says


      Dam phone

    4. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      its underneath all those damn tuners you haz ,,, woot



  13. getting my truck done.

    1. peanutbuttercups


      nice love your truck

  14. dett i got the window squegees but they where all bent i got them to straighten up but still has small creases in them maybe you can do something for me considering the damage.the packing was not good the box was bent when left at door step.also did you ship the headlight bezels the same time because i did not get them yet.let me know

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