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jefe de jefes

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Everything posted by jefe de jefes

  1. Broke a spare windshield I had for a 521 :(

  2. Try this....... http://www.oldcarmanualproject.com/books/CarCareGuide/pages/p108.jpg
  3. With the family at the happiest place on earth. And no, not the junkyard. The other happiest place on earth :)

    1. dat77sun
    2. INDY510
    3. jefe de jefes

      jefe de jefes

      Bwahaha. I'm gonna drift this Indiana jones ride!

  4. What type of datsun?? There's different types of wipers I think.......
  5. Use your mad skills and make one yo.
  6. Can't see pics without a facepalm account. :( There we go. Is it the yellow or black one? Same car?
  7. Looks good. Any more pics of the bed?
  8. The horn relay I believe is on the backside of the strut tower next to the headlight relay. The one on the front side might be your parking lights? Turn them on and unplug a spade one at a time. I just messed with these the other day. I can't believe I already forgot. The one near the fan shroud is for the dual point setup I think? Although yours looks different from what I recall. Maybe they replaced the old one with a newer style.....
  9. Isn't it like 3am where your at? Sleepy time Im out.
  10. Did you just post pics of an inverted you know what?? Naw man , looks good. Time for a midnight snack......
  11. Yeah , this^^^^^^ I think my cousin used to use zolatone inside of beds and such. Now that I think about it. I have a friend who did his whole dash. Something different I guess. Remember when tweed was in?
  12. The top hats look like rubber?
  13. WTF is up with these shooting sprees? Some peeps are just twisted.

    1. erichwaslike


      im going shooting soon, but in a range and at targets not ppl

  14. You can swap the stock spring and top hat. You'll probably have to swap the spring perch as well.
  15. I don't know if you absolutely need the spacer. I have never tried installing without it. Techno toy tuning carries them. You can also find them on fleabay. I bought mine used from another 510 owner. I had to buy the longer bolts separate.
  16. Should look something like this. The red spacer thing is there to correct suspension geometry.
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