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Everything posted by 808DA6

  1. The crowds have been gathering at Sonics for a month now. -B
  2. If you're not going to answer your PM's, don't post the fucking classified ad!!!!! D-bags!

  3. I dunno about all that, but that is a TALL fuckin cop in the back. 7ft or some schit. Damn.
  4. Yea, but this "Friday" thread always seems to get buried. I'll be there if it isn't raining......or too cold. -B
  5. Anything that fits the Toy 4x4's, Isuzu minis, hardbody stuffs work, Mazda minis.....some Chevy stuff works too but you gotta watch the offsets on those ones. Go sampo the ForumsHawaii site too. -Brian
  6. Does this count? A co-worker sighted my dime in the parking garage. :) -B
  7. Floating this to the top. Supposed to be pretty decent weather this week. -B
  8. Prediction: The next Karate Kid movie will be a Brazilian window washer teaching a Ethiopian kid Capoeira.

    1. Burabuda


      and they'd still call it the karate kid

    2. izzo


      ^^ And they will also star will smiths cousins friends kid who is mexican

    3. Uncle Laulau

      Uncle Laulau

      Bob's Burgers ref.?

  9. Wanna run some trails this week? I caught the bug. New weight in the tires and I wanna see how it behaves. Definitely riding in the dime this time. And shop shoes goddammitt. -B
  10. PDX'ers, wheres the best bang for the buck when it comes to alignments? Kinda toed out for some reason. Hahahaha

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DRIVEN


      Go see Bruce at Norb's alignment. We share a building (when I'm working at that shop). He's just down the street on 75th between Johnson and TV highway.

    3. 808DA6


      Norb's pretty reasonable for price? You know us cheap-assed Datsun guys right. LOL.

    4. DRIVEN


      Not sure what his official rate is. Just drop in and ask him. If you just want a toe-set it probably won't be much. He's a really cool guy. Tell him I sent you.

  11. Leaving the house now. See u guys in a few. -B
  12. I retract my BV post. Don't want us all spread out and nobody knowing wtf is going on. So RR at 8pm. See u guys there.
  13. I been up since 2pm yesterday. Is it closing time yet?

    1. Skib


      sleep is for the weak

  14. 808DA6

    Chev Wheels

    X2!!! Cheap and SICK!
  15. Looks good boss. U should bring that wagon to the Saturday Beaverton meets. When the weather gets better, there are also a few of us that cruise at the Hillsboro Sonic's on Fridays. Always good to meet more hawaii peoples. How long u been on the mainland? Shootz! -Brian
  16. Spending all your cash. Pulling you away from your hobby of "stupid old cars." Something else is going on here. My wife is in NO WAY into cars, but she supports me and my hobby. Did your wife support you before? Whats changed in the relationship to make her hate it? Start talking or this marriage ain't gonna be bliss. -B
  17. Anyone find a Vintage series dime yet? Haven't even seen them on eGay so I'm guessing they're not out yet, but still, doesn't hurt to ask.
  18. Anybody interested in some dessert? There were cars out there last week. I may roll out to see the scene.
  19. Wait! U sold the 521? Damn, wish i had known it was 4-sale. Musta made a killing on the profit on that beast.
  20. Jun, when is the release date? Is it going to be a limited run?
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