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Everything posted by 808DA6

  1. Thank you eBay member. U saved me from myself.

  2. Sweet. Another Dime on island. Good stuffs. -B
  3. Ahhhhh! I like come home auready! Dammit. Mean da dime with the Hoshinos. Who's one? Neva seen um before. Keep it alive hawaiian! Hopefully I'll be joining the crew soon. I dunno if both Datsun's goin make the trip tho. I went sampo the shipping rates and they pretty high right now. Shootz hawaiians, Brian
  4. 808DA6

    Wagon Wheels

    Damn. I just realized that we ran away with the OP's thread. Thought this was Loren's thread. Sorry boss. -B
  5. Many many many many OUCH's. Hope I never make it into one of these. -B
  6. No rats. Rat nest tho. And a crap ton of dead wasps by my defrost vents. WTH? -B
  7. Artists. I flipped thru a few other build albums and these guys seem to really know their schit. Artists of the L. Kinda hurts to see a Coupe sliced up like that, but where would it be now if they didn't pull it outta the weeds. Probably still in the weeds. -B
  8. Anyone got a '57 split window VW they wanna trade? I'll give you my 510, my 521 and 2 SR20DETs. LMK.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. 808DA6


      hmmmm, sarcasm hard to get across in ascii text. iFail.

    3. MicroMachinery
    4. Rjawm


      '57 isn't a split window anyway. Unless you mean a bus.



  9. Me too. Let it slide boss. Honda hating is as common as rust here. -B
  10. Yea. Doc checkups and PT take up most of my weekends. -B
  11. Sorry guys. Life happened. No updates. The truck is tucked away safely in my garage at home. An injury took me out of work for a while and rehab of my right hand has been slow. I'm still not 100% full duty at work so until then, I've pretty much sidelined wrenching. It sux. I WILL NOT QUIT THIS TRUCK! But that said, I also will not loose the roof over my head. Don't worry my peoples, you'll see it again. -B
  12. 808DA6

    Wagon Wheels

    These?..... Nope. ;P -B
  13. 808DA6

    Wagon Wheels

    Techno's! Nice. You're gonna have to fly to (or know somebody in) Japan and start hunting. -B
  14. "Local Car Meet! Meet up at the Fuzzy Burger. No speeding. No burn-outs. No Fuckery. Douches w/ BFT's, GTFO!" :) -B
  15. Wow! Over here, its the VW guys that act up. Lucky foo didn't run over any peoples. -B
  16. You're looking at $22ea wheel UPS ground (3-day transit) to Vegas. They're boxed individually really well. -B
  17. Back on the market. Where'd my buyer go? They're boxed and ready to go. -B
  18. Just like that huh? How much does a duplex in the outskirts go for up in Seattle? ;P -Brian
  19. New pics peoples. I never realized how much these look like Volks. I should powdercoat them bronze and roll um! -B
  20. Only on Tuesdays my friend. Only on Tuesdays.
  21. Why don't we just show up there for Gellato one evening? :) -B
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