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Everything posted by 68Datsun510

  1. Whole buncha stuff done today, finished up the interior. And...experimented with my 'poor mans yakima'.
  2. Couple nice pics, not that anyones watchin this thread :/
  3. Workin on bopth the 521 and the 510 today =)

  4. Close enough, if anything its probably a tad rich seeing as the suzuki probably breathes a lot more air than the 6 port J. WHatever. if it runs!! I dont know what mine is jetted for, aside from a vacuum leak and a stuck choke, it seemes to run ok.
  5. Dont forget the spacer that goes between the head and the pump! Should go in this order. Left to right looking under the hood. Pump->Gasket->spacer->gasket-> head. dont overtighten, just snug it down
  6. 68Datsun510

    Canby 2011

    Were gonna have a hell of a convoy rollin up there ^_^
  7. 68Datsun510

    Canby 2011

    Yeaaaahh Kathy and I will be in your group too!!
  8. Wirings done in the rear. Even after rebuilding the harnesses, ripping out old bulbs and restoring the sockets, i still has issues with the wrong lights blinking or bad/no functionality. Turns out, the factory grounding isnt working so well, so, i ran a frame ground off each tail light to a cleaned section of frame and voila! Everything worked in the rear. After that i went to test the hazards. Nothing. Probed around, no power at flasher unit, no power at the cig lighter, nothing. So i dove into the engine room harness thinking i effed a wire up deleting that vacuum switch. Found nothing. Checked fuses, all good. Kept messin with it with no results until i decided to jump the 30a fuse with a test wire. BLAM! EVerything came back on. Pulled the GOOD LOOKING fuse and the cap fell off. It blew inside the cap! Change all your fuses when you buy an old car, even if they are good!! Great success this evening. All thats left, is interior and accessorizing. ANd of course...an engine... On to pics, gotta love my stand-in 'blinker-simulators'. A test light, and a functional turn signal. hahaha. CHeck the bullet plate bolts, and the backup license light ;)
  9. So the UPS delivery i botched about, he came here with two packages to drop, didnt wanna take the time to find the 2nd one, and just jetted back to west sac in a big ass hurry. Got the story from my dad who was here. WOrk ethic exists no more.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hellamikey


      sometimes its just about impossible to find one small box in the package cars. if the loader didn't put it in the right place it could take a couple hours to find it. what time was the delivery? If it was early, I could see him doing that, if it was later (like 3-5) he doesn't really have much of an excuse.

    3. hellamikey


      If you call, ask to talk to the OMS or full time supervisor, they'll get you sorted out.

    4. 68Datsun510


      The normal route driver was back on duty today and i got my piston rings. Maybe i over reacted, but at work, im held responsible for everything on my duty list, and customer service. If i 'dont have time' to help someone, too bad, you help them! You dont just leave!

  10. O0o0o0o0oo come summer 40 hour weeks return ill definitely be in line for a 521 kit!! Im not thinkin the ball joint swap is for me, so im gonna refurbish the old kingpin setup and run these fine discs! BTW Mike, sorry for the delay on that exhaust flange, sudden financial crisis with the tax man =( Will pay asap!
  11. UPS...i swear, came all the way to my huose today after my piston rings were listed as 'out for delivery', then didnt deliver them. THey are BACK at the west sac distro center. WTF!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hoosier77


      fed ex wins!!!! win win win!!! only problem with fed ex is the dude always delivers after 5 pm, i guess thats cool though cause i always knwo when he is coming!


    3. 68Datsun510


      Around here, UPS is usually the best and most reliable, USPS being second, not bad, but not fast. FedEx here sucks. THey send some russian dude here with a map who asks every neighbor if they are this house, and he drives a rape van. Talk about cheap ass subcontracting.


    4. mellotrongirl


      I think a few of their GPS locators highlight closed forest service roads as superhighways. Take a walk out in the woods & you'll find all of them & your stuff along with a few green pizza delivery newbies

  12. Damn! You got that for $800? I paid 1400 for mine, somewhat rusty, running, but needing seals, and a slippin clutch. Guess its the sacramento inflation... Post the weber jetting for the J13 when you get it sorted! =) Mine just so happens to have a DGEV!
  13. Just more of Renault/Nissan cleaning house and destroying history. >=(
  14. After today i should be down to only minor interior fixes to be road ready in the 521 ^_^

    1. SoCaLKiDz


      HAha all i need is tires and im road ready!! Almost there

  15. Debugged the tail lights yesterday, what a cluster &^%$. I hate trailer wiring. I especially hate trailer wiring done by someone with a fetish for clip-splices. Also had to rip tear and destroy 3 light bulbs to get them out of the tail lights lol.
  16. BTW Nissan dealer lists it on indefinite backorder...
  17. Anyone know a source of fulcrum pin kits??? Or does this part ever truly 'wear out'?? I only ever hear of king pins causing jumpy rides...
  18. not cheap and not local, but online has a HUGE variety!
  19. No i mean do the whole RHD thing, but run a 2nd steering column with a wheel on it that turns when you turn your wheel!
  20. Oh yeah, that mystery wire changed color THREE TIMES!!! Cheap dumbass!
  21. Well folks spent the entire day out there workin on the GROSSCOACH4000! My buddy saw that someone stickered '4000 gross' on the side of the bed and named the truck! LOL!! Anyway, finished sorting out the 'front end electrical'. Repaired a badly damaged alternator plug, installed a modern relay for the horn, stock ones fried, sourced a wire for the electric choke relay, and pulled many a mystery wire out of the harness. Thankfully, the wiring colors are the same from 510-521! EVerything up front works now, except that the turn signals need to be repaired. After that i followed a mystery wire spliced into the fusebox harness down the frame rail. I tugged on it, and 2ft of wire with a broken end came up. Lame. But, it gets better! THe rest of the wires still there, it goes to the bed/cab split, and ends. Its taped to another wire of a different color. THey arent connected, just taped. This NEW wire goes back 2 more feet and is soldered to the GW wire that powers the tail lights. I think this genius thought this would bost power for trailer lights. No insulation, just some badly applied electrical tape. Fixed. Then a sawzalled off the bumper! =D The fog lights i scored for $4 at a flea market this morning. Poked around in the mess of trailer and tail light wiring, got the lic plate lamp to work, all tail lights work, but one rev bulb looks to be...original...WOW.
  22. Yep yep, so ive been told. ANd i felt like a dummy hahahaha...
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