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Everything posted by Braden

  1. Braden

    225 hp l18

    i cant see this engine being very reliable if they port it out that much!and put that much stress on the valvetrain. i still cant get him to let out what type of fuel delivery system he is using
  2. Braden

    225 hp l18

    if you go to you tube and watch it you can see the comments, lets get all this guys secrets lol
  3. Braden

    225 hp l18

    please tell me i am crazzy and this is true, ive read some of todd walrich engine specs and i dont remember any of his l20bs coming close to this, 179 hp naturally aspirated l18? and his friend has a 225 hp version? wtf? please tell me this is true!
  4. i also sent a pm, i need to move mine bad im hard up for cash, unlike those who "wildly" sell datsun parts all day
  5. it should be on the passenger side and have a square head. you can always use a pipe wrech and a big cheater bar but the only problem with thnat is if it is really really stuck aluminum will come out in the threads of the plug, your going to have to either be really careful with the cheater bar and hope for the best or try and spray penetrating lube on it for a few days and try and loosen it up. normall i would loosen all plugs or anything i needed loose before installing the transmission so it isnt so difficult under the truck. good luck.
  6. why is it every time i put a wrench on my crank pulley to move the engine to tdc i touch my head to the positive battery post and get my tounge zappped

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      instead of turning your whole body with the wrench ,,, just turn your arms instead ! mucha betta !



    3. Dguy210


      After that mental image, I'm going to go see if I poke my mind's eye out.

    4. Braden


      no no no you have to do all of this with the engine running, ps you have to lean over and see where the timing mark is

  7. man i would love to hae that shiuft knob, dang 45 bones, let me see bank account says 2.33$ i dotn think thats engough, ill grape you for it!!!
  8. 60 plus 50 is way more than i was asking for mine, ill sell you mine for 90 shipped and ill inlcude everything you need, pedestal, pigtail, cap, rotor, etc, cap is new brass terminal and rotor is nos. its super clean and im hurtin for some green
  9. what do these usually sell for as i have 2 or 3 in a pile with all the rest of the stuff still attached to them
  10. if it works count me in on a mousepad and an l20B inside sticker in blue
  11. oh come on man you were asking 20 for the whole thing! dude please man i can afford give you 10 bucks and 5 bucks for the shipping, help a fellow memebr out, i need this so bad, i bought one for 30 bucks from abe froman and it looked like it came off a 1913 tractor and was all bent smashed and homemade and it had rust pits all in it and the mating surface of the flange was warped and cut out with a torch and all rough. i got burned on that one. then i made my own flange and the exhaust shop screwed me and welded a bunch of crappy pipe onto it and ruined it and it hits and bangs and makes all sorts of noise. i just want to get my exhaust fixed right. from a datsun lover to a datsun lover help me out man. :( :( :(
  12. hey do you think the mousepad would work with a laser mouse? i knwo sometimes the color affects how it moves
  13. bump i need that flange bad!!!! ill take th ehwole manifold if i have to, whats shipping to 42503? quote me shipping for the combo and just the flange if your willing to seperate
  14. dude where canyou get those air filters?
  15. hey dude did the flange on the exhaust manifold clear the torsion bar on your 620? dude if it did i need that so bad!!!!!! the exhaust shop totally fucked mine up!!!!! i made a custom one and they dicked it all up and it hits the torsion bar its annoying as hell! how much for jus the flange? i dont need the manifold, and you could still get 20 out of the mani!
  16. i was just wonderin gif one of you gurus had a fe spare solenoids laying around i could try, im not so sure it doesnt have something to do with my 5 speed swap or my flywheel.
  17. 35 bucks is alot to a broke ass lol, i had one ordered but since my starter isnt bad i didnt want a new one, my solenoid works but it wont engage all the way sometimes, its weird sometimes it will hti and crank sometimes it will just spin and grind, it sucks , and its embarrassing to have such a nice motor and when you go to fire it up and swing grraaapingping pinggraaaaaaaaaaaacckckkckkckkkaaaaaainnggggggpppppchlickingngggsgs
  18. hey bro your honda had 6x9's not just 4.5 inch coaxials. put some 6x9's behind the seat, problem solved. P.S. you get what you pay for when you buy audio equipment.
  19. they must really suck if you cant get any penetration on a double bevel butt joint!!!
  20. i had my 7 month old son in my lap, he was bashing the keyboard and ripping out the cables, he typed a bunch of random letters that i deleted but i managed to one finger type my first post while grasping him with both my legs and left arm, he then proceded to cry, try and destroy some paperwork, and then crawl off to smash something else, sorry i didnt type it a little more clearer. P.S. preperation h may help your condiditon, if it worsens or your boyfriend starts complaining of them hurting him, you may want to consult a doctor.
  21. sorry about your flaming hemmroids, i need a known good or used solenoid, thanks
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