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Everything posted by Kirden

  1. Woah! Very impressive, was your cousin driving down hill with a tail wind? :fu:
  2. Well damn MrBig, but ok, you twisted my arm. Send me this one and we'll call it even. Just hope I can get it to 70mph with so little HP...
  3. Hello peoples. I'm a bit rusty since my vacation but I can't find a thread dedicated to our FWD hotties... So, in the spirit of sharing love, lets get some pics of your favorite E10/F10s :)
  4. Got to stay motivated. Tomorrow starts 4 days off. Time to throw parts at the 620 and see if the beast will at least roll over a little...

    1. Busta Nut
    2. Kirden


      Still at work :( Ask me again in 4 hours

    3. mrbigtanker


      it wont happen if you just throw parts at your truck.

  5. Very nice, I'd love to get my hands on an E10 "coupe" (3 door hatch) but they are impossible to find. So, are you planning on running dual DCOEs? Just heads up, Steve over at Bogg Brothers has an oval port and round port template to make R1 manifolds for A-series. Here is a picture of my R1 manifold: Good luck on the build. Time to show those honduhs what a real FWD can do :P
  6. Looks real clean MrBig. Just drop the red one by my place. You can have a beat down 620 for it. We know you love the 620s...
  7. Been around, had a long vacation and decided I would drop by. My headers finally came in for the B210 so now I'm in the mood to Datsun again. We'll see how long that lasts.
  8. Bah, just scrap it and get back to the truck... I mean you will end up with what? A 120hp VG? :fu:
  9. Anyone know if Optima makes a battery that will fit in the stock tray of a 620 and B210? Need a battery to start troubleshooting/tuning.

    1. Kirden


      Mainly worried about the hieght, most top posts hit my 620s hood. If anyone has successfully used an optima please share the model #.

    2. Eagle_Adam


      I've had several optima's in my 620's

    3. Kirden


      I'm assuming in the stock tray then? Just asking cause I oredered a battery that was supposed to fit a 74 620 and when it got here it was about an inch too tall. The negative post hit the hood.

    1. bananahamuck


      a Show with everything but Yul Brynner

  10. So yesterday I checked my bank account and noticed that kirk racing had finally placed the charge that I ordered about a month ago. Well, it was unexpected, but hey, I still wanted the headers. Low and behold, I got a rather large package in the mail today: Really happy with these headers esp for the price. Sadly I'll still have to get them coated, but it's one more part for the stash atm.
  11. Wait, MrBig still has a truck?
  12. Damn you hoarding all these 1200s. Take enough time fixing this one up so you can sell it to me after my move to tennessee buddy :thumbup:
  13. olderdat620 - would you mind sharing the part number for the beltech springs? I really hate having three inch blocks. Also, are these steel or composite? As the other guys have said, when I installed my blocks I found that the pin is more toward the front of the truck, not centered on the springs.
  14. That is less cryptic than the actual code...
  15. Somehow I don't think that is even close... but I'll take it.
  16. Get a custom lite weight forged one made, because racecar...
  17. Ok, it's been a long weekend and there may have been much whiskey last night. I'm just a bit frayed around the edges and need someone to check the logic here. Situation - Store demand from warehouse stock Legend: DU - Total Demand AV - Available units in stock IB - Available units in warehouse, not stocked So: if(DU-AV>0,DU-AV) Subtract AV from DU and only return demand remaining greater than 0 units = Unfullfillable Demand If(AV>DU,DU) Return DU unit quantity if the AV quantity is greater = Available Demand if(Unfullfillable Demand>IB,IB) Return all inbound units with demand if Unfullfillable Demand is greater than the inbound units = IB1 if(Unfullfillable Demand<IB,DU-AV) Return only the inbound unit quantity with demand = IB2 IB1+IB2 = Inbound Demand Final projection: Inbound Demand + Available Demand = Estimated Fullfillable Demand Simple process I think, just fielding this for some feedback before I continue to blow brain cells.
  18. New phone for work since I've been promoted... I no likey iPhone 5c...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kirden


      I am a "tech" guy but I don't care about phones. Just can't understand why I need an ihone for work...

    3. Draker


      They make good hardware period. Software is what people get hung up on. Not for everyone.

    4. jrock4224


      c's suck ... i have a 5s...and it works good... well not angry woman proof but i here the c's have nothing but issues

  19. LOL, minor fabrication involved... Can't wait to see more action shots during race season. Which class will you compete in?
  20. You look really young to be building an engine... :P Good on you for getting some work out of the youngins. Can't wait to get my son out there under his roadster.
  21. WOO! One pictar! This is winning guys. Don't lock the thread mike :sneaky:
  22. Bah, this is boring... Go ahead and buy another datsun so we can have a new topic.
  23. Why dimples? Because BAMF'in race truck! I'm seriously looking at the VG option now. I already have a wrecked pathy out at the farm, but I'm still scared shitless when it comes to fabrication. I'll live through you and dream till I can grow the balls to put my welding to the test.
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