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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. Happy Birth Day to Me!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RedBanner


      I keep tryin to pass it to your avitar....

    3. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      Happy Birthday to Shirley !!!! :-D

    4. DAT510


      Habby Pirthday!

  2. Gonna go strip a 95 240sx, Happy Birthday to ME!

  3. You just made my Birthday!

  4. What happened to the front clip? those are rare and a sweet easy swap for the 80-82!
  5. ^^^^Y he no screaming? I was!!!!!
  6. Thats Pimp! You were the First to wanting Swag!
  7. Spent the day with Skipper, strippin a 620. Got a "runner" L20 for my flat bed, its a leaky RTV covered mess!

    1. 1lo620


      should have told me I would have helped..


    2. Pumpkn210


      We be up there round noon tomorrow... think we got a back window section fer ya aswell!

  8. My pappy got me a 57 Chevy for my 12th. Signed sealed and delivered my love for cars! There is nothing cooler than havin a sweet ride in school. By the time I graduated, I had driven the 57, a 65 2door New Yorker, 66 Charger, and a 4door 68 Sattelite ex cop car! Learn Em Young!
  9. Get off-a-me PantS! This is your Last Warning!

    1. brodster


      Alcohol always does the trick


  10. Could it be?

    The real zuuuuuuuum

  11. Women:Manipulate Mods:Delete neither with reason or courtesy of answers! WTF?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pumpkn210


      Kinda peeved about no communication. Just delete stuff with no reason. Kinda sissy if ya ask me...

    3. nismo dr

      nismo dr

      but leave my quote quoting your deleted quote

    4. Pumpkn210


      Oh go quote yourself!

  12. Deleting is Cheating! PM me whatever mod keeps deleting my shit!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. RedBanner


      He quoted a fudge sicle comment, twice I think. Youve deff saud worse dtp, so have I.

    3. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      Ahhhhhhhh I see ... I see what u did there ... Ollz

    4. Pumpkn210


      It helped to prove how out of line someone was being. And if it was that bad, why they leave the origonal?

  13. Gettin ready to swap rear ends in the Pumpkn!

    1. RedBanner
    2. RedBanner
    3. Pumpkn210


      Something something, diff swap, something something, complete!

  14. Dude, I totally know how you feel! I have also had the pleasure of time with pete! Wish I was on a PC and not a CrackBerry, there's a thread on here somewhere. You couldn't be more right about Pete asnd Gail, they are the coolest! Congrats!
  15. Had an itch I had to scratch!

  16. If a woman hits a man, should he retaliate? Is "equality" really the end game?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. RedBanner


      I could crush your nuts in a vice on live tv and get away with it if I could pay the lawers and court enuff to make it seem I had remorse, wich I wouldnt...

    3. RedBanner
    4. Jennifer


      i totally agree with jassifrass!!

  17. Drifted in a field with 3 jeeps and a 4runner last night, till one of the jeeps flipped! Epic Weentime!

  18. You can pay for school, but you can't buy class!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pumpkn210
    3. Skib


      lulz. you are a classy gentleman dave.

    4. H5WAGON


      Just add the right shoes!

  19. Sweet Stencil Work Mang!
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