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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. So Excited for tomarro! Cant wait to drive this beast around... for three days...

  2. Yea and a BooK! Need to get this wiring BS figured out ASAP! And Again a scecial thanks to DatDoug and ElmerFudPucker for comin out with parts and time to help in the saving of this forgotten custom! :fu:
  3. Still cant seem to get power into the harnes to do anything... And the brake master is Bad, so Im goin to pick-n-pull in the mornin after I earn some moneys! A litle behind schedule but on track to make it to Sonic! :cool:
  4. All I need is a 620 master, and Ill be there... in the 620!
  5. Workin on it been slow goin cause of lack of blood flow to upper extremities! :wub:
  6. Finishing off coolant system, and gettin the wiring figured out.... Next Stop: See If It Stops!

    1. Pumpkn210


      Dont Stop, need a Master!!!

    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      u talkin about a girl ?

  7. Sir, would you like some Stance? Yes Please!
  8. Nuckin Futz is Almost on the Road.....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      trollin the trolllolololol

    3. bananahamuck



      a little less grab ass in insomniacs and a little more work and ya might get done










    4. bananahamuck


      That`s weird that doesn`t LOOK like a Datsun mirror




      Touche o`lay

  9. Cant Keep your Eyes off eh?

  10. Not even close to finished, but good enough to show ya!
  11. So at the end of the day... Fuel Drain plug replaced with New plug, tank fueled and ready... Old wire harness set out for inspection/help with repairing the one in the truck(no power in cabin or engine bay) Have to finish raising the front. Gotta get the coling system finished so I can tune the engine. Got the can-a-pee off and sweapt out the bed... The tire is too close, gotta Raise It Up! :blink: Got help and parts comin in the mornin! DatDoug and Elmer are comin over, Elmer for the wiring and Doug for his vast knowledge of 620s and part supply ;) Thanks in advance to both of you, top notch! :cool:
  12. Had to go get a new plug for the gas tank, the old one had been ruined by the Botched chroming process... Seems to be a running theme with this thing :blink:
  13. It Runnnnnnnnnnssssssssssss..............
  14. ITS ALIVE! Got it runnin this mornin WOOT!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DatWifey


      wooty woot! way to be!

    3. Pumpkn210


      Video Uploading Meow!

    4. Pumpkn210


      The gas tank is holding with the new plug, and its clean and workin!

  15. Good Mornin Rastun Land!

    1. Jennifer


      Good mornin pumpkin lad!!!!

  16. Gota get in my alone time! And the Gas tank is clean ass! But the Fukin drain plug is all Messed up, hopefully just the plug.... Damn Shit, down to %70 <_<
  17. Just primed the fuel system and am finishing off the night under it doin Chrome Repair! The Start 620 party STARTS at 8 in the AM folks!!!!
  18. Dont be mad at the grinder, it was only trying to help!

    1. Jennifer


      pet the purring grinder :)

    2. Pumpkn210


      Meow on to the Pollishinging!

  19. I had to clean out the clutch slave to get action, and it is now bleed and working! The fluid is comin out clean, but Im still a little worried about the brakes... Got the fuel lines hooked up and cleaned out, gonna try to start it in the mornin... Heres the oics of it in its current state... Still Need: Upper Rad Hose Outter Headlights Pass Turn Signal And I will be at the show on sunday! %85 sure...
  20. Cant wait till the Ratsun Work Party at my shop tomarro! Lets Get This Truck On The Road!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DatDoug


      Free food, beer & weed! Nice:)

    3. fastdadd


      dont bother just send it to me and i will finish it

    4. 510kevin


      damn, i need a datsun work day, my ka510 still isnt running


  21. Clutch Master from pip in and dont wanna bleed <_< Brakes are still full of air and I think the drivers rear is leakin :angry: Baught a STACK of spacers today and some washers for the whels :rolleyes: Although... I did get the headlight assemblies and high beams in, need reg beam bulbs :unsure: But altogether a productive half day, will check in with oics this evening! Will try to start it up in the mornin! ;)
  22. The paint looks Awsomwe, like the arrow thing on the VC! Spend the time and wipe down and clean off the fire wall and inner fenders! Will Look 10x better!
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