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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. ^^^thats not blow thru though...^^^
  2. You know Ill be there, maby in a different Datsun this time...
  3. Welcome to Ratsun!

    Meow get some Oics Up!

  4. Sounds like your clearances are off somewhere, not valves but maby something else. Sounds like once it starts to heat up it seizes...
  5. When Chuck Norris hits a pipe... It gets broken!
  6. You have Armatron... I have Jealous! ;)
  7. Goin to look at my 620 soooooooon!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pumpkn210


      I Just May...


      Haven't SeeN it or ToucheD it yets...

    3. bananahamuck


      Ted picked her up for you this morning.


      it probably has more power than your used to though

    4. Pumpkn210


      Dipperant Truck, you have peaked my interest though...

  8. A good way to tell/guess if its gone over is the condition of the things that the driver touches. IE the petals, wheel door stuff and the like.
  9. Change my filter 2-3 times a year, the oil changes itself!
  10. And when you let me taste your fingers, I take them like fruit and as I linger I, wonder if my seed will find purchase in your soil....

    1. bananahamuck


      i feel violated somehow

    2. nismo dr

      nismo dr

      your breasts are like twin fawns of a gazelle

    3. DAT510


      Nice shoes. Wanna fuck?

  11. ^^^Action failed: You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day^^^
  12. Got one of these layin around somewhere...
  13. The Natives are Restless!
  14. Moms 72 Carina, Original Miles!
  15. Ive put on some 70000 in the 3.5 years Ive had mine.....
  16. Was she cute? If so send her my way!
  17. ^^^Meow were gettin somewhere!^^^ Dry Sump FTW!
  18. Was noticing that I got a Bunch of miles on my car, how many on yours?
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