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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. Today we went to a STAR station to get smogged. Good gawd they check EVERYTHING. Checked the pressure in the gas tank, checked the gas cap, checked the engine, checked the tailpipe. Fawk! I had to get an OEM cap cause my locking one would never pass but after test I put the locking one back on. He passed! Fuck you California and your stupid smogging!
  2. Yeah she sold it to a friend and we'd see it around. Don't know what happened to it after she got rid of it.
  3. He probably was. It ain't easy being beautiful. Haha! I kid, i kid :)
  4. ^^ Thanks Mike! We are. Or at least I am :) tr8er, I didn't see anything wrong with that statement. Actually I'm the one that is an HR nightmare with the crap I say. I'm surprised I've never been called into the office but I'd probably tell them to go fuck themselves and grow a pair.
  5. Oh cool! I'll let you know. I'll definitely keep the avatar. I use it everywhere. It's Cleopatra Jones a blaxploitation film from the '70s played by the beautiful 6'1" Tamara Dobson. I wanted to be Cleopatra Jones when I grew up but I'm only 5'8" and half black. I almost made it ;)
  6. Oh yay, my company may fold up and die after tomorrow :(

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      @bananahamuck haters gonna hate. no one ever said pimpin' was easy :)

    3. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      someone just played the clash's should i stay or should i go over the intercom. sweet. haha!

    4. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      6:45 still no update. I got tired of waiting grabbed my shit and left.

  7. I work in the design field as a print production artist but on my own I paint, draw, etc. So colourbox like crayola box. BUT I didn't realize it would actually be our screen name when I signed on. Thought it would just be a log in name. Had I known it was our screen name I would've been much more witty. I still think about having this username removed altogether and signing up with a new name but I'd hate to lose my post total. I'm still considering it tho.
  8. So I'm watching The Bionic Woman last night, yeah I was, and she was driving a Z. I think that's the first time I've ever seen any main TV character driving a Datsun.

    1. Phixius
    2. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      I'll have to look through that. I've got a few I've seen in movies and TV. Like I said this was just the first time I ever saw a lead character with a Datsun. I was a bit impressed.

  9. My dad's '69 4-door 510 was that color. It was the car I learned to drive in. Mom got rid of it when the clutch started going. She didn't want to fix it :( Ah, memories.
  10. Saw a goon with wood paneling this morning in Hollywood on Santa Monica Blvd. From the look of the grille it appeared to be a '79-'80 210. Driving in opposite directions so didn't get a chance to get a pic.
  11. That ROW52 is pretty sweet. Nice feature. Wish all yards did that. I'm just happy the LKQ yards list their inventory around here (LA & IE). Saves a lot of wasted searching. Now if we could just get them to actually label the cars correctly. A yard in Wilmington lists a 1979 green Nissan Datsun. I'd love to know which one. Long way to drive to find out it isn't what I'm looking for <_<
  12. Silky beat me too it. There's a photo on ROW52. http://row52.com/Vehicle/Index/WHLA10102396 I came across a 1980 a couple weeks ago out here.
    1. bananahamuck


      At first i was like what the hell did this guy do with Martin,, lol ,,, but he was pretty funny .. I like very loud comedians best..

    2. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Having been to a black church and a white church I can totally relate. Black folks never start on time and the service never ends! But they do have jam sessions :)

  13. Thanks guys! Took 8 months of boneyard searches to find stuff. Some other stuff I got from my ratsun brethren and yeah, like Ranman said, I made my own stuff if I couldn't find it. I grew up in Datsuns. All my dad would ever buy. I learned to drive in '69 510 manual. They are timeless.
  14. Haha! Yeah every vehicle I've ever owned has been a him. The 210 is Stanley. The Pathfinder is Thadeus. The first day my dad brought home the 210 I looked at it and said yeah, that's Stanley. Even got everyone I know calling him Stanley. He's like my son. Love that car :)
  15. I actually created and had printed 1/4 panel emblems. Wish I were better with 3 D modeling. I'd be making all kinds of parts for my 210.
  16. Ok so I'm not sure if there's a what the hell were thinking when you did this to your car thread so I'm posting this here. My bf and I laughed in hysterics at this one. No matter what you do to your Mazda Miata it will always be a Mazda Miata. The skulls and pin striping don't help. The only thing that really stands out is the handicap placard. 'Nuff said. Not sure if you can really see it but they painted HELL YEAH on the bumper. This car... :confused: :no: :blink:
  17. Just discovered this thread. Here's me and my coworker Rod with Bumblebee from a few years ago. Thought this was a fun photo to post. Here's me (the chick on the left) at a company Xmas party. My bf and I with my 210, Stanley.
  18. I've had my Datsun 24 years. It was my first car and the best car I've ever owned. After so many years of him being so great to me I was happy when I was finally able to be nice to him. I love going to junkyards. It was even better that I was finding parts for my 210. Getting him back to near show room quality has been amazing and it's been fun putting him back together. It's a great little car that has deserved much love and attention. My bf understands my Datsun obsession and supports me in it so bless him for that :) He even goes to the boneyards with me to help me pull parts. I've even been able to apply my graphic skills in making my own 1/4 panel emblems. My hard work has paid off and it is pretty satisfying.
  19. Saw a green pickup yesterday in Hollywood on Fountain Ave. Was driving and didn't notice til I was up on it so no pic :(
  20. Saw a really clean orange 240Z last night in burbank near the Island Buger. Was a little to tipsy to get a pic.
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