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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. Saw this in Fontucky (Fontana, CA) this afternoon on Route 66 (5th St).
  2. Monrovia Pick a Part '80 210 Body was in good shape. Not much under the hood. Inside was trashed. I took the driver door, trunk lid and hood. Would've taken the fenders but they were a lithle mangled from the forklift.
  3. Picked up the bf from LAX this afternoon and while driving on the 405N I spotted a 210 wagon. I chased it down and the bf snapped these pics.
  4. I'd like to get my hands on the 210. If I could be certain it would still be there this weekend I'd make the trip.
  5. Crap! My bf's parents are going to be here that weekend :sneaky: Do post when you plan another one. I'd definitely like to go and bring my 210.
  6. Sounds like fun! I didn't think there were still drive-ins out there. Used to go all the time as a kid. I'll try and make it with my 210.
  7. I thought new shocks and struts made a difference but after a tranny and carb rebuild Stanley is driving like a champ. I love that car!.

  8. Saw a yellow 81-82 210 yesterday on Wilshire Blvd. Took a pic but my stupid phone didn't save it.
  9. 210s ('81 and '82) - Dashes in both were pretty wrecked. Nothing really left under the hood of either of them. Bodies on both were in fairly decent shape.
  10. Monrovia Pick A Part Two 4-door 210s and a couple of Zs. Didn't get a chance to look around the trucks. I went to the yard before going in to work so not much time. The Zs all four tires were there on this one in case someone was looking for those rims
  11. Saw this while visiting my mom out in San Bernardino today.
  12. Here's a how to http://community.ratsun.net/topic/691-how-to-post-pictures-and-keep-online-photo-albums/
  13. No kidding but oddly enough I saw one a couple of weeks ago. It wasred and in great shape. I was too slow with the camera tho.
  14. Haha! Yeah I read that somewhere and it cracked me up! Thought it was perfect for a signature :rofl:
  15. No kidding! Someone should get that back on the road. I really like the look of those.
  16. BWAHAHAHAHA!!! Could not have said that better! Really happy to hear you're ok CB. From the looks of that truck you're lucky. I have a long time family friend get cut off driving a delivery truck and he tipped the truck to its side. Broke his neck and now he's paralyzed. That was a year ago. Count your blessings man. Good luck to you!
  17. Just saw a beat up faded blue 210 in West Hollywood. Was an '81 or '82. I need to have a camera on standby. Been seeing a lot of Datsuns lately and not just Zs.
  18. ^^Same here. Maybe all us 210 folks should road trip to Texas :rofl:
  19. Images aren't working. Can you post some of the interior? Might be interested in some of the plastic pieces inside if they're in decent shape.
  20. That's good to know. Never knew Greyhound would ship stuff to you. Like Draker said, good info Adam!
  21. Saw a brown Datsun pickup in Valley Village today on Riverside Dr. 70s model I believe. Didn't notice it til I had nearly passed it so I didn't get a pic :(
  22. Anyone going to the Pick-n-Pull in Modesto? There's supposedly a 210 there. Arrived 2 days ago. Would like to get a few small parts if anyone is headed out.
  23. Amazing what a wash will do. J/k!! That goon is pretty. Makes me feel like I need to go wash the engine of my 210.
  24. Went to a couple of yards today looking for a grille for my mom's Oldsmobile. Complete bust at both. Didn't see any Datsuns at the Pick Your Part in Stanton. The Pick Your Part Help Yourself in Wilmington had an '84 300ZX. Didn't get any pics of the front end cause it was pretty close to the front of the lot and they don't like you taking pictures for some reason not that that will ever stop me. It was too nice a day out to shank a fool in the neck with my screwdriver over taking pictures though so these will have to do. And then I snapped this just cause I thought it was kinda cool.
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