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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. Was watching the first Lethal Weapon the other day and there were a couple of 210s in there. imcdb.org only listed one. They were both actually in the same scene near each other.
  2. Because some guys think size matters. Work with what you got. Sometimes you got no choice. Seriously though I've never met Adam but I have bought parts from him and vice versa. I'm always trolling for 210 parts and he alerted me to a 210 near him, asked if I needed anything and was willing to grab stuff for me. That's a cool dude in my book. He shipped door glass and it all came nicely packaged. Great guy and I'd def buy from again. People do have lives and sometimes things take a bit. Cool your jets son and give a person a minute.
  3. Stingray same freeway now in West Covina. In beautiful shape.
  4. Seen while driving home from work today. Some guy in a pickup playing his guitar and singing his heart out. Not only while stopped at a stop light but also while driving. Not only should you not text while driving but you shouldn't be playing a guitar either.

    1. mrbigtanker


      Was it a Justin Beiber

    2. jrock4224


      I play a electric keytuar that plugs into my ass tray


    3. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      tanker, nope wasn't beiber. was a mexican dude.


      jrock, you have an ass tray? that anything like a butt plug?

  5. Seen this at Industrial Metal Supplies in Burbank, Toyota Landcruiser.
  6. The company finally made it official. They have imploded. http://www.deadline.com/2013/08/cimarron-group-closing-bob-farina/#more-563307

    1. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      I am officially, officially jobless. Yeeeehhaaaaawwwww!!!

    2. MikeRL411


      Get the most glowing letter of recommendation you can find from your immediate boss before he goes on a 2 week alcohol binge and can't remember who you are!

    3. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Hahahaha!! It's all good. I've been in the freelance circuit for years so I have many contacts. Should have something coming up soon. Meanwhile, I think I'm going to enjoy the time off for a bit.

  7. Um, is she taking her meds? You failed to mention the bipolar bit. Seriously, get out! I don't want you waking up with a knife in your back. Nothing you say about the two you sounds like you need to keep working on it. Go!
  8. Ha! That's more than I can say. Grew up in San Bernardino and seen me some dead bodies. Not fun.
  9. Recognizing you can't change something is different from giving up by not trying at all. Sounds like you're trying. It ain't working. Sometimes you gotta cut your losses and move on. It doesn't make you a quitter when you've tried. Sometimes things aren't meant to work out.
  10. Has the asthma issue just become more intolerable? Have you been around anything different recently that might be setting it off? My brother has asthma and had recently been having serious issues. Found out the place he was staying had black mold. He moved and now his asthma is less problematic. That's why I ask. Might be something you're around setting it off. How long you been with the new girl? If she's really cool and you want it to work sit down and tell her what you've been offered. My bf and I have been together 4 years now but I'd say we were pretty stuck on each other from the beginning...barf, haha :) But if she's as cool as you say and she's not all needy and shit she'll be ok with you being gone from time to time. My bf is a prop builder for film and tv and sometimes he has to go away on location. I think it bothers him more than it does me but we make arrangements to see each other on some weekends. I'm very independent and not an attention whore so if he has to go away for work it's cool with me. Part of the job. Does going to new places always spaz you out? This might be the perfect time to try something new and get out of your comfort zone. Makes you a stronger person in the long run. It will also give you new skills. Try it out for a year and if you hate it then look to get out. Can they not bend on your start date at all? Have you asked? They might just understand if you want to give your company 2 weeks notice. Ultimately the decision is yours. Never be scared to try new things but be smart enough to make the right decision that makes you most comfortable.
  11. Now that there's a little more info it sounds like a bad situation and you've already stated you do want out. I'm sure she's picking up on that and probably why she's giving you shit. Also sounds like she's acting like your mother and nobody needs that. You should discuss with a close friend and see about crashing for a bit. Can you pay your half? You're paying your half with her so why is a roommate out of the question? If you don't want to bug your friends look into a roommate situation. Yes, roommates suck donkey balls but sometimes you have to endure to get out of a bad situation. As long as you can pay your way you're better off getting out before you lose your marbles. It sounds like a terrible situation in which you'll both just continue to make each other more miserable to which she may just punt you out like a football anyway. Best to beat it to the punch. You should go and go now especially since that is what you already have in your heart.
  12. Communication is important in any relationship. If she's not willing to talk things out about what is bothering her and you can't do the same then your relationship is going to be a difficult one. It's part of being an adult. Only children get pissy and won't talk about what's eating at them. Being able to discuss your issues with your partner and having your partner listen, not just hear, but listen to what is being said is how a solid relationship works. If you're doing all the work then you're in the relationship by yourself. If you're giving more than you're getting you're in the relationship by yourself. She has 4 kids?! How old is she? Good lawd you're a kid yourself at 23. I hope you gave a lot of thought to that insta-family. Any of them yours or do you have any? It sounds to me like the two of you really do need to sit down and discuss where you see the relationship going at this point. If she doesn't care enough to discuss and work it out with you then the relationship is non-existent and you have yourself a roommate. Just the opinion of a female here.
  13. It's beautiful. I really like that color.
  14. Thanks! Got lucky getting an uncracked dash assembly. Again, thanks to my ratsun brethren. I've almost had him his whole life. He was 8 when I got him. Now he's 32. I don't know where the time went.
  15. It's official. Company not doing well. I now have no job. Oh boy. Unemployment here I come. Weeeehoooooo!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Thanks Adam.Totally sucks. Not the first time and dare say it won't be the last. Just tired of starting over. On the bright side, more junkyard time!

    3. j_boy_619


      Haha I'm on the same boat (or have been for about a month or two now)But its more time for my projects.

    4. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Got an interview scheduled for tomorrow. I've already freelanced at this place in the past so I'm sure it's a slam dunk. Darn! Was looking forward to junkyard therapy :)

  16. Those are some beautiful cars. I'll have to go there next time I'm out that way.
  17. Rick-rat is probably right. You might be better off keeping it stock. I just had my 210 smogged under the new STAR system. They freaking check everything! They check the gas cap (I have to put my OEM one on for smogging because the locking one I have won't pass), they check the pressure in your gas tank, they check the engine and of course the emissions. It's just plain nuts all they check now but having my 210 stock under the hood helped. In the old days they only checked the emissions. They didn't do all that stuff they do now. I was kinda worried about this new STAR system from what I'd read about it but the guys at the smog place told me having it stock under the hood was best not that I had any plans to really change out the engine. My 210 passed with flying colors.
  18. No word on my company folding or not. Heard they got an investor so...? Did some jy therapy yesterday and my 210 passed smog. It is all good.

  19. Thanks to dhp123166 for the heads up on the '79 210 hatchback in the Monrovia Pick Your Part. It's not listed in their inventory online yet. I went to check it out yesterday. Just the 210 and a Z I spotted. I took the radio out of the 210 for a fellow ratsuner. Taillights were in pretty good shape as was the dash assembly.
  20. Saw these while getting Stanley smogged this morning: The shop owner's SS A customer's Corvair
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