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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. No apology necessary. Just call them office asstards. That will take care of everyone.
  2. Today we went to the grocery store. I parked on the roof, way in the back, so nothing would hurt him or run into him. People here are too lazy to park in the back.
  3. Reminds me of a time when Stanley and I were on our way home and the lane next to me had to merge into my lane. Some clown in a Porsche went through all these maneuvers to get in front of me. Meanwhile, I saw an opening so I moved over into the lane that had to merge back in and I got 5 cars in front that fool. Sometimes driving smart is better than driving fast. Kinda wanted to go up to him and do this, you know, just prove a point.
  4. Dude. :no: But you still made me laugh. A/C isn't sexist. I don't whine about it. I have a heater at my desk. Problem solved. I solve problems. I don't create them. I used to work with my dad, outdoors and indoors, doing drywall on newly constructed buildings that didn't have a/c yet. And it's fucking HOT out here in So Cal all the time. AND we drove in a car (Datsun) with no a/c so we was always on fire. I know your pain Mike. So now that I work indoors I don't complain about a/c. See above statement. I solve problems.
  5. It could never be dropped enough. Oh, did I just type that out loud?
  6. There was another story like this yesterday. Man missing for 43 years. Car pulled from North Carolina lake. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/amos-shook-missing-car-lake_55b16ad1e4b0224d8831a3e1
  7. I don't know where you find this stuff naner. Deeply disturbing. Carry on :)
  8. Why can't stupid people spontaneously combust? Now that I think about it it probably really would set the world on fire.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. skyblue


      I wouldn't have a job if

      That happened. Hahaha

    3. MicroMachinery


      Some women just want to watch the world burn.

    4. banzai510(hainz)


      there would be no one on Ratsun

  9. Almost forgot, also saw a pickup in Burbank. A 521 maybe. I'm not too good with picking out the trucks. Looked nice. Didn't have a chance to get a pic of that tho.
  10. If you work in graphics the kerning should bother you as well.
  11. Seen in Burbank. Little old lady driving.
  12. When I see things like this I'm just ashamed to be black. Martin had a dream and they just ruined it.
  13. I don't like front wheel drive either brother. And I hate the look of new cars. They all look like bubbles. I miss chrome.
  14. You're in the IE. You're already in the arm pit. Or is that the butt crack?
  15. Staleny and I were out running errands today and saw this old Chevy in Valley Village
  16. The husband is working on a TV show and they're doing a shoot at one of the high schools in LA. He sent me this. I had to share. From inside the school.
  17. Took Stanley to get an oil change and these were at the shop. El Dorado A guy bought this Chevy for his wife. She doesn't know yet. Beautiful truck.
  18. This morning Stanley got an oil change. And while we were there we spotted these. I love my mechanic's shop. It's always like a car museum.
  19. Yeah I'm still debating on it. I'll make a decision by the time of registration.
  20. I thought that was funny. Kinda how I feel after driving in the heat in a car with no a/c. Still trying to decide if I want to go to JCCS for the first time or not.
  21. We didn't stay long but I want to thank the Seeker once again for this great find. You rock!
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