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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. Really love the silver color.
  2. That is all well and good for them but I like what I got.
  3. What's wrong with my wheels and altitude? I like it.
  4. So I got myself (finally) some new lug nuts. Lovin the chrome shiny goodness. Makes the wheels look ever so much better. Before After And I had the engine steam cleaned top and bottom. Man it's clean! I never knew the radiator was such a nice black. LOL!
  5. Hard to say. The angle at which they're both taken make it seem it might be a little. I sent you a PM so I didn't have a million pages of questions about the door here.
  6. Anybody know if the hatchback doors are the same size as the 2-door sedan? Parts book lists the 4-door and 2-door as having the same numbers, doors, panels and glass, which seems incredibly wrong to me. I got a line on a hatchback and I want the door glass and panels but I need to know they'll fit. I think they will. Anyone know for certain?
  7. So this morning I'm taking Stanley to the shop to get the engine steam cleaned and this nut bag is driving with no hands while hanging out the sun roof. Good job brother man, you're making the rest of us look bad. I stayed behind in case he hit something. He wasn't about to hit Stanley.
  8. The black folks are generally light skinned as well. I think because they are a little closer to white than the darker skinned and generally have more fair features because of all the racial mixing in their background. White television and movies have helped along this perceived beauty and it feeds into the dark skinned having resentment toward the light skinned because in the past (and to this day) light skinned were always treated better. I think all skin colors can be beautiful. I only press my hair cause it's easier to deal with. It's also nicer to be able to do different hair styles than just a fro. I love tight curls and giant fros. I've sported them all. Sometimes I just don't feel like doing anything with the hair and run around in afro puffs. I tried cornrows once. Wasn't a good look on me.
  9. I bought some aftermarket taillights for Stanley on ebay a while ago. I think the seller was atomboys. They're quite nice. The plug is backward but that can be fixed. There's some aftermarket headlight frames on there too for the square eye. Those required adjustments as well but were nice.
  10. He'd have to being married to me or maybe he just has a lot of patience. He gives it the old college try. I think if he keeps doing it he's going to hurt himself.
  11. My husband thinks it's funny to sing this whenever I decide not to straighten my hair and let the fro free. White people :sneaky: https://youtu.be/nAzjwbubDzQ
  12. I believe the proper term is melanin impoverished. I know how you feel HRH. Years ago some asshole kid broke into Stanley and tore up and broke apart the radio cluster to take the radio out. I filed a police report and when asked if I wanted to prosecute if the perp was caught I said I wanted him shot on sight. If I had seen the kid do it I would've killed the bastard. In the end the kid was caught cause he was seen doing it and someone reported it. The fool lived two blocks from me. I got my radio back and luckily Nissan still had the part the asshole broke. I still want to break his hands, arms, legs..... I hope you catch the fool. That's just not cool.
  13. The visual alone on someone walking their chicken is pure comedy.
  14. Haha! I actually saw that picture on Facebook one of my friends posted. Shit cracked me up. I showed my husband and he looked it up and found it on Amazon. I thought it was joke. Shit's real. I cried from laughing so hard on the reviews. What they won't think of next.
  15. So very sorry for your loss. I know what you're going through. I lost my dad suddenly 26 years ago. He was getting ready for work that morning and complained of feeling sick to his stomach (a symptom of heart attack). He sat down and before long was unconscious. We called an ambulance and when they came he regained consciousness. Went to the hospital and he passed on. All within a 45 minute period. Sudden, out of nowhere. We were thankful he hadn't been driving at the time. Be thankful he was a positive in your life and you had him for a long time. I lost my dad when I was 18 but I had enough years to build memories. Keep those safe. Remember all the fun times. It hurts now. It's weird and it does make you feel numb. It will get better I promise. Will it still hurt after so many years? Absolutely, but not as much as the sting of the day it happened. Stay strong. Be there for your mom. She's going to need you. Hang in there my friend. You've got your family (and us) so you're not alone.
  16. Read the reviews. Hysterical! http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/reviews/B00XIMO4MM/ref=cm_cr_dp_aw_btm
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