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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. Focus son! That's a 210 not a B210. Silly wabbit ^_^
  2. I didn't take too many pictures. I got bored and just stopped caring. This was not paint. This was a complete car wrap. Very nice work. This shirt cracked me up. And Stanley at the Wigwam Motel where we stayed the weekend.
  3. Finally! Someone other than me took a picture of Stanley!
  4. Stanley's leaving San Berna-ghetto for the last time and will be permanently in LA as is my mom. The day when I never have to go back to San Bernardino is approaching. Finally. And it is good :)
  5. This was probably the most fun there. Those toy cars were fun to watch.
  6. It sucked. Very poorly organized. Too many new cars. You've seen one new car you've seen them all. Boring. Bunch of kids and they obviously catered to them with their loudest exhaust contest. WTF?! Really?! We're not 12. I will say it did meet my every expectation of disappointment. I won't be going to another.
  7. Last night to the Wigwam Motel And this morning to NissFest
  8. The 210 well has been dry for a while but a couple of them landed in San Bernardino. Hatchback and 4-door sedan. Just dropped a couple days ago. Body parts look great but interior looks like it was set on fire. 11/80 7/81
  9. The oddball category was pre 1985 Datsuns. They lump us all in. Stanley took 3rd place.
  10. Stanley won 3rd place at the Empire Z car show today. Finally, a little love for the redheaded step child of the Datsun world.

  11. Today Stanley took us to the Empire Z car show. It is one million degrees hellfire hot out here.
  12. Ha! Tired of fishing. Threw all the little ones back. Hopefully they were eaten by a shark. And besides, when you catch a good one you keep it.
  13. I hear you. I met my husband when I was in my late 30s. We just got married 6 months ago. Ain't nothing wrong with waiting on the right one. Sometimes it just takes a while.
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