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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. Z-train

    Wiper Repair

    Mike-the wiper thing doesn't have anything to do with KY-doesn't it?
  2. Keith,you do know these are 1/4 glass gaskets for the King Cab-right?
  3. Tom,you might ask the maker for long-term storage instructions and post them here.I know one of my pairs is going on the shelf for quite awhile.
  4. Z-train

    B210 in Tucson

  5. Do you have a plug that is REALLY clean? Ira-i'll see your Hillary and raise you
  6. Don't laugh.At one point Wikipedia said Aruba was off the coast of NORTH America.
  7. Aruba would be correct.349 days 'till i go back.
  8. Sorta back to topic: GM at it again: http://www.dvorak.org/blog/2011/09/21/on-stars-new-orwellian-terms-and-conditions/
  9. Thru inlet(s) indicates to me that it might have been on a Z car where they were using that carb to feed the second one.I have a FP guage in the "output" side of mine.
  10. Re-gearing is not a good idea if you don't have a corresponding increase in HP.The factory gears were matched to the HP the motor was making.Putting taller(numerically lower)gears in a stocked motored truck will turn it into a PIG.
  11. No worries,Just a couple of en-educated wanna-bes that needed to be dispatched.
  12. So what you are saying,is i need to spend time in Korea to know that Kim Il Jong is a wack job? And i appreciate both your & Glides compliments about me being creative enough to make this stuff up.If i was i'd be working as a writer in Hollywood.But thanks again.
  13. Exactly what part of "I don't need to do any research"don't you understand?THe car have been posted here before.Go find them. And piss off.
  14. There's an F-10 coupe for sale on here somewhere.Parts for that car are probably going to be the hardest to find out of any Datsun ever made.
  15. http://www.dragtimes.com/Datsun-510-Timeslip-22200.html
  16. First off,i wasn't talking to you,so my first inclination is to tell you to piss off,but in the interest of board harmony,i'll calmly tell you where you're wrong too.I'm such a nice guy-ain't i? 1)Hastily?Hardly.I've been typing a variation of that since 1996. 2)You're right-so you haven't a clue. 3)I'll make everyone a deal-you stop posting stupid shit and i'll stop child-ishly correcting you-O.K. 4)Absolutely,completely,100% 5)Don't need to.But in any case they were all built the same.So your question is a moot point. 6)Now that's hysterical-thanks for the laugh.You must be a CPA who reads car magazines. 7)Again,no sweeping statements.What's sweeping is your lack of automotive knowledge. 8)Stunted?there you go again-attempting to be funny. 9)I am being civil.Don't believe me?Ask around. And just for the record,if I posted what has been posted by you guys,i would expect someone to post what i have. Here's my Cobra-post a pic of yours.I'll wait. And just for shits & giggles,here's my Z motor and the Z is faster than the Cobra.
  17. 1)NO,totally right as usual. 2)His team THEN was rsponsible for the Cobra's success.All Shelby did to get it off the ground was lie to Ford and AC.Today-has has no team at all.It's ALL FORD'S doing.All SHelby does is authorize them to use his name & charge a ridiculous price 3)Duntov was completely rsponsible for the Corvette.Mr.K was completely responsible for the success of the Z.Delorean was completely responsible for his car. 4)Obviously. 5)I'm not you-that's all i need to be. 6)So you're 25,huh?I was under a car wrenching TWENTY YEARS before you were born.Here's a news flash for you kid-you or anyone else here doesn't get to lecture me about ANYTHING. 7)True. 8)Stop with the mamby-pampy feel-good PC bullsh!t.My Karma is just spectacular.
  18. Fixed fan is INFERIOR in every way.
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