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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. So I started working at a local tuner shop ran by a friend of mine. The benefits are that I now have access to high quality tools, a lift, and space to take the car apart if needed for the project (I live in an apartment). Last night was a late night in the shop waiting on a local parts store to send over a rear main seal for a customers car. Anyway, after that ordeal we threw my car up on the lift and took care of installing some of the parts I had been hoarding for the last month or two. We installed a set of Troy Ermish front coilovers on 280zx struts and brakes, stainless brake lines, and Aero 13x7 +0 rims with the slightly stretched 155/80s on them. I wish the rubbers were 155/55 or 65s, but I already owned them so it will have to do until they wear out. Then I can buy something with a little better sidewall profile. I had some issues with the drivers side 280 caliper as the stainless line wouldnt thread into it. It seems like the first two threads were stripped slightly so after a little manipulation we got it sorted out and fitted right. Everything else went pretty smoothly. Adjusted the coilovers to a height I liked and took the car off the lift. Turns out it wasnt low enough... so it needed moar loar. Dropped it down another couple inches to a better height. Now the car has a bit of a rake to it. Unfortunately with the rears being so soft and the extra inch of rim I added, the tires rub if theres even a moderate amount of weight in the back. Theres no way I could even carry a single person in the rear with the way it sits right now. Even 70lbs make the rears rub. So now Im on the hunt for a good setup to fix the rear. Any ideas? Anyway, here are some pictures: New rims on stock suspension and height Side poke on stock suspension and height Stock suspension 280zx suspension Side poke on 280zx suspension and lowered height New rims with lowered height Profile view to include all new parts installed and front lowered When I ordered the rims, I ordered a set that were completely black without the yellow stripe and for whatever reason those were the ones that showed up. Unfortunately, I didnt open the box until I went to mount and balance the tires so I didnt notice. The Aero logos on the rims are stickers so Im just going to Goo Gone them ro remove them, but Im not 100% sure what I want to do about the thin yellow line. I still have to completely refinish the stock bullseye hubcaps before I mount them to see how they look. So far I really like just these (with the exception of the yellow). I want to thank Paul for all the suspension components I picked up. They were in great condition and worked out phenomenally. If anyone local to the Seattle/Tacoma area would like a set of stock 510 hubs and brakes I have them available. They are stock components so its really not worth it to ship... but if youre local and need them let me know as you can just have them.
  2. I cant remember if I asked it: What time is this going on til...? Im going to be working until about 4, so I wont be able to show up until like 5.
  3. Welcome to the site! Glad to see another 4dr kicking around these parts. Cant wait to see some good progress...
  4. Yeah he drives for FedEx. I know his full story lol... He does keep weird hours when he emails/texts me, but over the last month or so he just disappeared. I doesnt reply to my emails, my texts, Izzo'e emails, Izzo's calls. It was weird. Hes a really nice guy though. Maybe I will text him again and see if he replies. You can even see by the ad that although Ive had the car for about 2mo my car is still in his ad.
  5. This is the guy that I bought my car from. Hes a really nice guy, but horrible communication. Izzo was suppose to buy a wagon from him and then Fernando fell of the face of the earth. I dont know what happened...
  6. Youve just hit the wall... just push through it and keep going. The car is going along great, youll love it when its finished.
  7. I got the same story.... I was hoping to pick this up. Man, it was snatched up quick.
  8. Im going to check on this in the morning since he wants texts...
  9. I dont know what you have decided for paint, but I would leave this like it is... its mean looking as is. And I like the shark nose, it looks clean.
  10. So driving to a work thing this morning, the engine started sputtering... it was fine with no gas going down the street, but as soon as you started giving it some gas it would get all crazy idle on me. I couldnt get the car above 50mph and I was on the freeway (60mph limit). I got on surface streets and babied it the rest of the way. I had an appointment I couldnt miss so I had to go the distance; I didnt have time to call a cab and no one was close enough to give me a ride. I had these same exact symptoms a couple weekends ago which is what made me miss the last Graffiti Garage meet. I thought it was bad gas that weekend because I had just filled it up at a place I dont normally. Needless to say, it fixed itself. So back to today, I get out of my appointment and as Im going home I get the same symptoms and now I cant break 35mph. Cars are lined up behind me as Im going super slow and sputtering down the street. I pull off safely and start to do some investigating. I figure its a fuel issue and look at the carb sight glass- barely any gas. I check the fuel filter- barely any gas. I open my trunk and I almost pass out from the fumes. Ive been watching my gas gauge a lot lately because it seems that empty shows 1/4 on the gauge. Ive been doing a lot of math to see what my mpg is and I feel like I should be getting a lot more. The car has smelled like gas for awhile now, but assumed that it was because of my missing door seals and that Im running a little rich. Well it wasnt. Turns out my breather hose connected to the filler hose into my tank has come loose. I didnt think it was that important, but apparently it is. I connected it up, drove for about 4 blocks and had the same symptoms again. I checked the hose again and it was apart. I tightened it back up, and down the road I went. So... Im not sure if its supposed to be that important, but Im about 97% sure thats what my issue is. So looks like I have to find a new longer hose to make sure it stays together.
  11. Hmmm... either thread was merged, or Im going insane. Im so confused right now.
  12. Man, this is looking good. I wish you lived closer. With me design skills and your fab skills, I could actually accomplish the project I have in mind. Looks like I have to learn to weld... damn.
  13. That's why it's not scaring me away from doing it.
  14. There has to be a legit way to make sure that doesn't happen. I mean, it's been 43 years since the car was made. I bet there's a less corrosive vinyls glue. I'll do my reading, but so far I'm still down for the vinyl.
  15. So it has been decided that I going with the original green and Im going to source around for a vinyl top. Doug and I have officially decided that my car hates Olalla (aka Dougs house). Every time I go over there, something that isnt broken when I show up... decides to break. Not only does it break, but its something that we cant initially figure out. So weird. Edit: thanks for the picture Banana.
  16. Thats exactly what I was thinking Doug. Im still undecided... and I have a ways before paint, but I saw this and I really liked it. You dont see too many vinyl topped 510s these days so I thought it would give it that little extra pizazz.
  17. While surfing the net I stumbled upon a picture that got me thinking. Ive never seen a vinyl roofed 510 that looked any good because they were all work tattered original pieces. I finally saw this: Looking over the other pictures available on this car, man oh man... its clean as hell. Now this car is a '69 so I wont break my rule of try to keep it period or model correct (hence trying to keep my white walls) and I think it will just give it that little bit extra. What does everyone think? Yes or no on the vinyl top? I think if done correctly it can come out looking great... vinyl tops were the shit back in the day. Thoughts?
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RP4FjODPDFA
  19. If youre having heater issues, check the thermostat. The last two heater problems were fixed with a new replacement. Im sure the kink doesnt help though...
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