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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. You say that... But you just bought it. Confused.
  2. Truck looks awesome! Glad to see more girls join the site... Are you looking to run a legit rim or are you looking to run hubcaps? You could always pick up the appropriately sized Aero/Diamond racing steelie and slap some dog dish caps on there; that's would look awesome. Or depending on what size you're currently running, just replace those S110 caps for dog dishes, run a slightly lower profile tire with a little stretch, and call it a day.
  3. Wrong rare dime Rick haha
  4. Yeah a 610 is going to be a little harder to find and looking for a 73 at that will be worse. Everyone seems to want 73s so good luck.
  5. Tristin


    Is this bitch going to make it Sunday?
  6. I do have a friend with a 95 Civic coupe that's he's looking to sell. I don't know many details, but it's got a motor swap. I know you listed 92 and up Civic in the CL ad.
  7. I have a set of these: Good physical condition. Could use a good clean up and respray though.
  8. The good ones. Did he pick that up from Silverdale? There's a kid rocking the same truck up here. I gave him a card to join, but he mentioned that everyone teased him for owning a Datsun so I just assumed he really didn't like the truck. Maybe he sold it. If thy werent doing construction on his street I would cruise down here and see if it's still there.
  9. Glad to see the Z got a new home. Jalen, for all that is Holy, please don't pull a Jalen and fuck up the next car you buy. Hopefully you learned something and you'll be better. Then maybe one day you can come back to the beauty that is Datsun and have a respectable ride.
  10. It's not the fake wheels that make it rice. I understand that not everyone can afford nice wheels... Especially kids. It's the whole package thrown together. I can garauntee that car is all trendy looks with those sweet sticker mods. It looks decently clean at the distances I took that picture, but I can assure you it's quite a POS. I used to own a CRX (1991 CRX Si with a b18c swap I might add) when I was 16 and it was a beast, so I'm not a complete Honda hater.
  11. Thinking about taking the plunge... Time to re-read from page 1.
  12. New addition to my apartment building: -Carbon hood that fits horribly -Both front fenders are sticker bombed -Fake wheels -Yashinari in the front window -'I <3 JDM Girls' sticker on hatch
  13. As cool as a boosted L-series is, I would probably take the KA. If I wasn't on Ratsun with the knowledge of your build I would have no idea what you did to that motor to get it into that condition. You could have destroyed it with boost... Some people buy projects for projects and don't need it running either. Some may like the turbo L and would be willing to put the work in to get it back up and running. Do you have the ability to offer either engine to a buyer? I know youve got two 510s but do you only have the two engines?
  14. Yes Jon, I will be washing the enormous amount of brake dust off the front wheels. I'm going to try and get new brake pads by then to cut down on the amount of dust. I signed up and will be the first show entered; figured why not. Not too worried about winning anything, but figured it would be a good day to hang out. I have no experience with the show/meet so we shall see what my impressions are. I'm excited.
  15. Siiiiick! Please post more oics!
  16. I'm not saying its impossible to find what you're looking for, just that it's going to be give and take. Either way, good luck and hopefully you find something you're happy with.
  17. Auto to manual swap is pretty cheap and easy. Parts are almost everywhere with only having to source a pedal assembly being the hard part. If you're worried about body work, distance, and price... I wouldn't throw out an auto. If the auto is most of what you want then I would snap it up in a heartbeat. Rock the auto for awhile, learn how to work on them, get used to it, then get into the 4spd/5spd swap. You're severely limiting yourself by saying close to home, no rust, running, no issues, no auto, not expensive. For as easy of a job a manual swap is I would just get an auto. And for the record, I have an auto and rock it everyday with no issue.
  18. Damn. Epic price... There's a few pieces in there I could use for sure. I wouldn't be able to get you cash until actually at Bluelake though. GLWS. Maybe I can figure something out.
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