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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. This is like the opposite of Indys car... you have all frame and no body. He has all body and no frame. Now you just need to push this around your yard and take 600 photos of it.
  2. Thanks! There should be some high quality images at one point... I either have to get off my ass and take my own, or just let a friend do it (which would mean I would have to get over to Seattle). Thanks for the compliments man.
  3. How much for the car made of paper on the lift?
  4. Yeah Im pretty lucky the car has been safe. Once I brought it off the side of the road, I had it parked across the street from my apartment. I woke up to another note on my car asking to sell it... I would be a horrible owner if I sold it over a flat. Ive had about 6 texts over the last few days asking if I disappeared. Nope... still around. I have done no work to the 510, but I have about 6 deals floating around for various items. Things will be changing here soon. Updates should be pretty good for a bit once things start rolling here soon.
  5. Tell them to give you a medical marijuana card while you wait for a transplant... then just hotbox yourself inside your room.
  6. I have no money bid and nothing substantial to offer for sale, but I offer my services to help you move. You say you have to move back into your parents... let me know when you need to move your stuff and Ill drive down and help out.
  7. I dont like the universal bolt pattern, but those look decent overall. Do you have any full side shots of the car?
  8. You need to post a bikini build thread... It's a good place to consolidate all your updates, questions, and such. Welcome to Ratsun.
  9. There's been a thread for this forever... It's almost always near the top of 'New Content.' http://community.ratsun.net/topic/8297-post-craigslist-ads-here/page__st__4480#entry787872
  10. Yeah my car doesnt like the wind... having no seals on the doors doesnt help that situation.
  11. Theres a bunch of Mystery Machines here in Silverdale. Havent seen any Dattos ever...
  12. I dont ever seriously correct anyones spelling or grammar on here, but you moot your own point about it when you spell 'hawt' like that. :rolleyes:
  13. Unless its the 710 :poke: JK :rofl:
  14. I dont ever use apostrophes. You can be a house too.
  15. Yep, you have to take drives up here when you can... Either hide inside or learn to love the rain. Im from So Cal where it rains twice a year; I had to adapt.
  16. Its hard to take you serious when your posts dont even make sense. Youre a house.
  17. I didnt shit on you for liking Mercedes'. I made the comment because you and Dat just fucking went ape shit with random Merc pictures. Your initial post of the ones you mentioned you were drooling over was one thing... then you were like, fuck it heres just some random Mercedes pictures.
  18. When did this turn into a crappy Merc thread?
  19. Yep. The picture I posted is from a hill climb in 2011.
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