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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Right now I do no modeling other than in my spare time for fun as I run a CNC mill. I showed up to the place Im working at now the some times as another, but he got the modeling/QA job and I got the machine job. Hes completely useless and the guy that runs QA right now always talks about wanting me in there. But the guy I showed up with is the owners nephew so thats not going to happen. Ive always been a computer guy and not a hands-on guy so it would be nice to get back behind a screen again. I do like what I do so I keep on keeping on (plus it pays the bills), but it would be nice to transition to just modeling full time.
  2. I hope I dont run out all the tows with getting flats... that would be a lot of money in tires. Luckily the car runs well enough that Ive never broken down.
  3. Yeah Ill be picking up a spare for sure. I have AAA so they got me home safe...
  4. No, those are owned by a guy in Japan.
  5. That was for sale here in Seattle a few months ago... he wanted waaaaaay too much money for it because "it was featured on Stanceworks."
  6. Yes I do. This is my 3rd flat in 9mos... it hasnt been the same one each time so we shall see what happened this time as soon as I get the rim off.
  7. I must be the fucking King of Flats. As I drove past the car to call AAA, I noticed some papers on my windshield. I though it was just my luck that I would receive a ticket as well as the flat. Turns out I got these:
  8. Thanks guys. So mostly just been dailying this thing. Shes been doing really well. I have like 100 projects Im trying to get done so things have been a little crazy. All was good until the other morning:
  9. Dont get your panties in a bunch... :rolleyes:
  10. If you pay for an A-series exhaust manifold gasket, I will model you up a flange... then you can have your own cut out and header made.
  11. This is something I've been meaning to do as well... Ive had that LED thread bookmarked for months. I should probably just get it done...
  12. I bought all new tires when I went to the SSRs.
  13. There's a reason those are called 'Modern.' 'Classics' come later... Keep up Tanker.
  14. Scoped out this sweet mint green 4dr on the side of the road... Oh wait... That's me with another flat tire :(
  15. I would take that job in a heartbeat if the pay was good. You would have to love sitting at the computer for hours on end though... I love SW.
  16. I'm down with that. I may have a few others roll over from this side of the water.
  17. I'm Tristin I think... But I don't know what "free" means.
  18. I've seen this in person. It's beat in a few spots, but well taken care of. Anyone who gets this will have a great base of a car to build something great. I wouldn't hesitate to pick it up if you're looking... Bump for a great guy. GLWS
  19. The little Nana voice in my head when I read your posts always lays the sarcasm on thick.
  20. It's why he built it not how he built it. It's a clean truck for sure. Like I said, I've see it in person. If it wasn't for all the racks and stickers, I'd drive the shit out of it. I know Nana is trying point out some of the similarities between his truck and other Datsun builds (including mine), but like I said... He didn't build for himself. I may have some expensive jdm parts, some stretch, and a lot of low, but it's because I like it. I'm not just trying to fit in. That's all he was doing. I like classic J-tin, I like Datsuns, I like 510s... once again his truck being a 620 was an act if chance. I've heard the words come from his mouth haha
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