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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Feel free to deny it, but I know for a fact that youve done it. Whether it was joking or not, it doesnt matter. I doesnt hurt my feelings one bit, but it perpetuates the idea that thats what happens on this site... people cant self police. I would venture to guess that the true problem of the classifieds was not GLWS. And if it was, well Im ready to pay the price... Ive accepted the classifieds. Now Ill go back to not reading this thread again and you can keep squeaking. Let me know when it changes things for you.
  2. No member is perfect, but when the general consensus is "Shit on the members who try to keep things clean" its hard for the moderators to not step in and do whatever they feel is necessary while ignoring all the cries from the members. We had our chance to police ourselves and keep things the way we wanted it. Now they its the way they wanted it. Instead of you guys saying "Hey wrong section" "Hey maybe you should throw some pictures up" etc, the first reply was always "In before Tristin corrects OP." Why didnt you say something? Its that laziness that made the moderators do what they did. Take some pride in the forum and help police everyone... no need to be a dick about it, but you should be saying something. I was never an asshole about it, but because it was something that some of the members didnt want to do, you MADE it seem like an asshole move. The moderators dont have to do all the work. They cant read every post, in every thread, by every member... Yes, I once partook in the follie of the classifieds. I posted a WTB thread in a FS section. I then corrected it within minutes. I would bet that I have broken none of your proposed "bare minimum" rules in the classifieds section. The point is, we all had our chance at a easy going classifieds section with minimal outside interaction. We fucked it up and now have to pay the price. I dont want the new classifieds either, but I have to deal with them as well.
  3. Watching a little Airwolf.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Tristin


      Yep, Blue Thunder came out a year or two prior if I remember right. I just remember seing Airwolf first. Probably the reason why I liked Airwolf so much was that I grew up with Thunder in Paradise (although only one season) and the boat was similar to the helicopters in technology.

    3. jrock4224


      mmm blue thunder...i built a blue thunder out of legos sans 1986

    4. loungin112


      the only thing better than A-team and knightrider....airwolf. Just saw it was on Netflix....I'll have to add to my favorites.

  4. My first statement was a generalized statement to you... the second part was about me. It does have my name specifically in it. Unless I forgot how to read my own name...
  5. Ill throw a reply in here as I got a PM that I was mentioned and that it involved me for a bit. Man, who would have thought, huh? Funny how I get shit all over for trying to help police this forum and keep its squared away while you just sit back and let the mods do all the work. Then the mods do all the work with the classifieds and youre pissed. Maybe you should have been more involved in the beginning and we wouldnt be where we are where the mods have to take full controll and you get no say. Hind sight ^_^ This was my point earlier. I dont know what people are freaking out now, but not earlier over bans. This particular instance was funny because JRock was texting me and said I was the reason he got banned. I had no idea what he was talking about and had to go back and read it. Weird situation.
  6. I feel its always a safe bet that someone is going to add a blower and side pipes on the design... theres always one guy, so I steer clear.
  7. Ah haha sure... all material can be compressed. I dont know where youre getting getting your facts, but it takes something like 300,000psi to compress water by 1% volume. Thats nowhere close to the pressure in the Marianas Trench. Id have to look it up to be sure, but if I remember correctly its only something like 15,000psi. I could talk about sound travelling through water all day: I was a sonar technician for 8 years. My last point about this is that it was a joke... easily shown with the graphic and Im sure that any common pressure washer will not be able to compress water.
  8. Contact JustJoel. I believe he made a set for Draynor. No idea on price or anything, but shoot him a PM.
  9. Thanks all... Id like to keep it as clean as possible since there is a bit of pattern on the exterior of the part. Ill come up with something... Appreciate all the responses so far.
  10. Whats an open peanut head?
  11. It doesnt matter as long as the switch goes back to the same spot in the circuit. There is nothing to "blow" when using a toggle switch so there doesnt need to be a fuse... if you interrupt the circuit prior to the fuse, when you wire in the switch it needs to be completed prior to the fuse. If you interrupt after the fuse, you need to complete it after the fuse. You wouldnt want to bypass the fuse when your toggle switch circuit is closed.
  12. And this offends me. Double report.
  13. Im reporting you for hurting my feelings :baby:
  14. Ive got some plastic trim that has cracked... Im tired of dealing with it and would like to fix it. What are people experiences with fixing something like this? I know there is some epoxy I can use to fill in the cracks and then sand it flat. Ive also seen some plastic welders. Real world experience?
  15. Apparently not... everyone still have the same capability. Edit: Nevermind. Im over this topic. Keep on doing whatever youre doing. Ive moved passed it. Have fun continuing to squeak.
  16. Then use the question feature or PM them. Its not like you cant relay information still.
  17. Is this really going to last for 3 more weeks? I dont know if theres enough interest to wait that long...
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