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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Looking good Dave! Are you going to try and clean up some of those engine bay items or just leave it as is?
  2. Its odd how every shop he is dealing with is all having issues at the same time...
  3. Oh, so just like the others. OK.
  4. Yeah I second the fact that Id like to see pictures. There are quite a bit of guys that come here talking about custom CF or FRP parts and nothing comes about. Can you show examples of the car parts youve made? Do you have a website?
  5. What you two are saying is that no matter how fucked up your Ratsun forum presence is, you can get away with it because youre a nice guy in person? Then why arent you screaming and making threads when JRock gets a vacation? He bends over backwards for a lot of members, gives away parts if members need it, will come pick you up when you have flats, drove 2 hrs to drop off a valve cover at 3am, etc... Not a single person is calling Adam a shitty guy. We all know what hes done for the community, but that doesnt give you a right to act like a jackass on the forum repeatedly (and thats saying something because we have a high tolerance to jackassery here). And yes, hes also the main person standing up for the forum changes and no thats not why hes being called a whiny member. Its how he went about it. He was civil in the begining and then just spiraled out of control. Many people have pointed out his personality shift and how derogatory and whiny all his posts were. Stating your opinion and being a complete idiot are totally different. He could have gone about it completely different and might have gotten something in return. Eventually though you need to see that obviously nothing here is going to change... no matter how large the voice is. The moderator team has started what changed will be staying and what will be going and thats that. Look at the 70 pages of bitching about it and still... nothing changed. You can argue until youre blue in the face, but if who youre arguing with wont EVER change their position, why argue? More on and deal with it. I also dont think anyone is perma-banning Banner either. Im sure he will be allowed back, but after he cools off. We need more "in real life" members like him... just not his lately. Give him some time to unwind and maybe the waters will calm down.
  6. Glad to hear youve got him covered :thumbup: Very nice work! I just took the Beta Motorsports picture... I second this.
  7. 68 regulators are different than the other years. I think theres some pictures of the differences in Hobbes 68 goon thread.
  8. Yep, you have full control in here. Do as you please... people can ignore this thread if they dont like it. Keep on keepin' on.
  9. He will need to make these:
  10. So hows that camber going...?
  11. No it will not bolt up like stock. It will also depend if its an R160 or R180 diff. You didnt give much info...
  12. The newer 04-07 (?) Subi diffs run 27 spline stubs where the older ones run 25... you need the 25 spline stubs. You can get adapter stubs but they are pricey.
  13. Previously posted I believe and its a members ride. Its Hobbes' goon.
  14. Is your currently non-running and you need to get to work? Thats what Red meant by "someone who needs it."
  15. Yeah, Loatsu called it. I dont think there are any currently available items. Someone needs to throw something up. Once I receive my item from Flat and I go throw my parts storage, Ill throw another item up.
  16. This started off with nice momentum... can we please not turn this thread into the common shit-storm that the rest of the forum has been lately? :) Who has more items to help out other members?
  17. Im not going to say whether the ban was warranted or not, but his posts arent just a small amount of sarcasm. But seems as though hes not actually on vacation since hes creating "fantastic" FS threads at the moment.
  18. Hell, I thought it was funny and the post was a jab at me.
  19. Maybe he will now that he read this handy, informative how-to guide.
  20. Tristin

    Spaced out?

    Youre welcome.
  21. If I follow the steps above, can I block myself? I want to post, but I dont want to read them.
  22. Tristin

    Spaced out?

    Here you go... http://www.webercarbsdirect.com/product_p/99005.119.htm
  23. There is no way to block members on mobile site... all profile changes need to happen on the full site.
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