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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. This guy started a thread on the Ratsun FBI group and has made more posts over there. Has pictures of his work as well. Not too sure why he hasn't come back here.
  2. I think I read 0-60 in 3sec and a top speed of 220mph.
  3. Tristin

    Post 510's

    They look like some version of Cromodora, but I dont know those wheels to well... I just know they have a couple similar styles. I would venture that they are a newer brand though.
  4. Just my opinion, but maybe you should be spending the cash on bills instead of car parts... that is why you are moving, right?
  5. Tristin

    521 parts needed

    Post a WTB ad... wrong section mate.
  6. Whats the World coming to when Devil and Rat are the top two homos on this site... I must be losing my touch :(
  7. I hope Redeye comes in here and says the same thing... theres no reason to have this thread open anymore. The only real "information" is in the first two posts. Then its a bunch of whining, then some shit about chickens, and now us just continuing the same yammering about the other threads that have already closed. This whole topic needs to be put to rest. Im sorry to see the guys get banned and hopefully by the time the get back Ratsun will be to business as usual.
  8. For what car? People cant see what you drive when on the mobile site...
  9. There are a few posts by female members in the Ass thread that are guys asses. They were allowed.
  10. I had to go back and read what all this is about since I left that thread... It doesnt matter that he didnt lock; he still warned them. He gave them the option to keep pushing it or go away. They chose to continue so he followed through. Its their own fault.
  11. Here you go http://community.ratsun.net/topic/42794-how-to-convert-a-clip-in-r180-to-bolt-in-for-a-510/
  12. And post in the right section... Edit: I see its been moved. Good luck.
  13. I dont quite understand any of that. Are you saying that since asking a question via the question tab is so new, that people are not answering your question because their notifications arent set up yet? If thats what youre talking about, then yes its a known problem. Mod team mentioned that they were going to see if they could force the notification setting so that everyone had Classifieds notifications on.
  14. I think obvious content is obvious. It does take some getting use to for understanding lyrics with bands like these, but as almost 98% of all metal I listen to is growls like this, its easy to pick the skill up.
  15. Ive had no issues with subscribing to the new classifieds. I switched it up though and decided to do it via RSS.
  16. I posted that Cattle Decapitation video in Insomniacs when it first came out... Ive been a CD fan for years. http://www.youtu.be/wLdlw46Ru9I http://www.youtu.be/nV8ktJRTxJg
  17. I was just about to recommend this. It would be nice to have them all turned on since its a pretty subtle update and most dont know how to properly navigate through their profile settings.
  18. Tristin

    Post 510's

    You can get something similar with a 325is spoiler.
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