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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. A little insecure, huh? I never said anything about your truck. Youre not always the center of the conversation :rolleyes:
  2. Awesome. Ill bring Squish Face with me.
  3. It starts at 8 so some time around there.
  4. I think everyone has an ideal of what their car is for and I cant fault them for that. 510s became popular on the race circuit so I can understand that someone wants to put something high horse in the bay and go. Its hard to get that kind of power out of the older engines without spending the kind of money you would be to get something newer under the bay. In my opinion I think a lot of guys do swaps for all the wrong reasons. There are a few members here and other forums that seem to just throw money at their car because they think thats what makes the car cool or fun to drive. You basically just turn your car into a rolling billboard for how fat your wallet is and not the show piece to how much time and effort youve taken to make the car your own. Dont get me wrong, Im not against spending money... if anyone sees the stupid Japanese pieces I put (of have put) on my car, youll know theres some good money involved. But unless youre really "in the know" a lot of guys wont know that it took me a long time to source some of the key pieces on my car to round out the look or feel I was going for. Its not a hunk of shaved chrome and carbon fiber rolling down the road roaring at you and scream "Look at me! Look at how cool I want to be!" through its titanium tip. If you take the time to carefully source hard to find parts, invest a lot of effort, and determination in a car... I think thats where its at. Id give more respect to the guy that wrenched day and night on his b210 than the guy that drop $10000 on a swapped blindingly painted 510. I think thats the beauty with most of the cars on Ratsun. Most of the owners drive piles of shit (not an insult) because it makes them happy and they are in it for the driving experience. Not all the trendy show offs measuring how fat their paycheck is. If you dont have to work for the endgame, is it really a fulfilling experience? If youre doing all these new upgrades to maximize reliability and to keep your ride on the road so you can enjoy it to its greatest potential then Im all for swaps of any part. You take care of the car and the car takes care of you. I hate seeing people pour money into a vehicle so they can brag to their friends about how they have such a nice ride... yet no one ever sees it because they only drive the car on the 5th Sunday of the month as long as there was no rain for a week prior and they only go 35mph through side streets to not tax the car. Why own a $20,000 510 or Z if youre not going to terrorize the freeway or the track? Might as well throw your money directly into a trash bag, set it on fire, and go watch whatever game is on TV. Save yourself the trouble and me from having to listen to your inane ramblings. /rant Sorry, those last couple of posts have been way longer than I anticipated. I promise the next few replies will have more pictures and less words. Good night everyone.
  5. Im pretty sure I have a lot more to update, but the pictures are slowly coming back. Glad you like the progress. Im not a purist by any means, but I do prefer Nissan branded parts. The more I get into the Datsun game the more Id like to keep the history alive. I dont ever see myself doing any American Muscle swaps and for as any people that do rotaries... I couldnt do that either. I have no issues with KA and SR swaps as you can get some great power more reliably (that is until you start going crazy with the build). You cant go wrong with 1.5-2x the power with EFI and readily accessible parts, but you see a lot of guys get ridiculous with $1000s spent going crazy on SR swaps. It just loses the appeal for me. Im in the Datsun game to drive my car every day and use it as it was meant to be. Not spend $100 a week on gas chirping tires showing all the Bros my chrome AN fittings. A rebuilt KA or SR would be plenty for me so I knew I could count on the car being turn-key every day to get me where I needed. At this point in time, Id like to keep Minty L-series. My current plan is swap in an L20 I have while I build an LZ23. That gives me some power while keeping the stock look and feel behind the car. Ive been going about this build with the ideal of OEM+ where its basically just a 1969 car with some nice period correct upgrades. No crazy gauges, no ellipsoids, no stereo systems, etc. Maybe at one point down the line Ill do an upgraded, newer engine swap. But I do plan on owning more than one Datsun so maybe Ill reserve those cars for that. Then again, I do truly love this car and dont ever see myself getting rid of it. Maybe it would be worth it to do the updated block in Minty so that it continues to be the best in my stable. The other cars will come and go and the L-series powerplants will let that happen easier. Now that Im typing this, I couldnt say I would complain driving a subtly rebuilt SR. Probably years down the road.
  6. 5 hour drive, huh? I dont think Ill make this one... I dont know if the L16 will make it that far. Wont have time for the swap either. Maybe next time. Never been to that area though, so Ill watch for the next one.
  7. Not sure to laugh or be sad she wasnt feeling well. Is she going to be making the meets along-side the Paconator?
  8. No idea. Give him a call and see. If they are what you need and he wont ship, Ill middle-man for you if need be.
  9. Is this what you need? http://seattle.craigslist.org/tac/pts/3940942780.html
  10. Thats ok, he sounded like a dick as well... now youre even ^_^
  11. I thought that too. I asked him how long he had it and he said about 2 years. Didnt ask if it was for sale... no signs anywhere. I was in the general area that it the Craigslist map said the car was located so it very well could be. First 710 Ive seen in the area so I doubt theres a bunch running around. Theres also a 610 wagon right down the street from my place as well. Super straight (although dirty). No idea how to tell what year it is though.
  12. Spotted this 710. Was very rusty and the the drivers front fender was smashed in. Sounded like it ran perfect though:
  13. I apologize for the delay i pictures... I completely spaced. As promised here are pictures of how my belts mount: One in each corner- Here are the centers mounted: Like I mentioned, mine are only lap belts, but it should point you in the right direction. If youre going for 3-pt belts, you could utilize what I showed you along with the picture you already have and those should be good mounting points. Good luck.
  14. Tristin

    New to the scene

    Glad to see some progress. Ill probably be making a junkyard run this weekend so may hit up all in the area, see whats available. I might be at Horseshoe if you need me to check anything out.
  15. Oh were talking clear coat on the lips. Gotcha. I was thinking the black.
  16. If you were giving a little "extra" along with the hand towels and spritzes of Drakar Noir Im sure youd make great tips. Its just what I assumed based on the fancy clothes and bathroom shot.
  17. Yeah, you want to ignore him. Hes been doing it forever because he knows hes wrong. No point in trying to correct him. He thinks hes funny.
  18. You keep saying anodizing. Are these ano'd? I was under the impression that they were powercoated.
  19. Ill be headed up to the Dicks meet this Friday. Making a purchase in the area so might as well stop by. Hope theres a decent Datsun turnout.
  20. Yep, but all the votes were after Monday :) Its just a thread though... Im not bothered by Green Eggs winning.
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