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i got screwed - Beware of Cheetos808

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Haha yea my wife was like "shes got love handels" :eek: I though to my self, WHAT THE FUCK! then i said "fuck yea she does thats just gross" :)


Okay so im not really married, i am engaged. my siginifant other actually didnt see say any of that and when she saw it she was really pissed off. The reason that i posted that is because i thought that it was funny, and thought it may be something that she would say. Apparently I do not know her vary well and i think that her and I should separate for a while.


posted because she is really pissed

Edited by 510er
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Okay so im not really married, i am engaged. my siginifant other actually didnt see say any of that and when she saw it she was really pissed off. The reason that i posted that is because i thought that it was funny, and thought it may be something that she would say. Apparently I do not know her vary well and i think that her and I should separate for a while.


posted because she is really pissed


can we all have a moment of silence for our fallen brother please.....

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Guest DatsuNoob

Sounds like you and me got a little bit of the same thing going on. Chicks are fucking crazy, and slaves to emotional thinking. I swear, if it weren't for that one thing, there'd be a bounty on them :lol:

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Okay so im not really married, i am engaged. my siginifant other actually didnt see say any of that and when she saw it she was really pissed off. The reason that i posted that is because i thought that it was funny, and thought it may be something that she would say. Apparently I do not know her vary well and i think that her and I should separate for a while.


posted because she is really pissed



510er's next post


Okay, okay, I thought that would be funny and now she's even more furious at me. I guess I really do not know her vary well so I don't think that her and I should separate for a while.



posted because she is really, really pissed now





Narrow thinking, apparently good for watching too!

Edited by datzenmike
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Hey Peeps lets all flood his mailbox with one simple question about his truck....


" Hey Cheetos, I want the truck will you ACCEPT A CHECK?" HAHA...maybe he'll get the point!? :lol: :D


Just checked and Cheetos was logged on today. Bagged did you get any response from him?

Edited by phatdave
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Hey Peeps lets all flood his mailbox with one simple question about his truck....


" Hey Cheetos, I want the truck will you ACCEPT A CHECK?" HAHA...maybe he'll get the point!? :lol: :D


Just checked and Cheetos was logged on today. Bagged did you get any response from him?


nope. nothing, i woulnder if superc_1 has hurd anything???

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honestly bagged, the military would look at this one way, he wrote a bad check!

call this number 910-451-2557, that is the Camp lejune MP desk. Tell them that so and so wrote you a bad check and you would like to be put in contact with his first sergeant. They will then take your info and locate his unit and first sergeant and handle the situation.

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The dude is deploying to Iraq and selling his truck. I saw plenty of young enlisteds play the "let 'em try and catch me overseas" card. If he was a stand-up guy, this thread would not still be going....


Call the number 510er posted above otherwise this thread should die.

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I already started the ball rolling by getting the number for you, all you really need to do is call and probably fax a copy of the bounced check down there.


on a side note ill be in portland on wednesday would love to check out your ride ill PM you my number

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